Pocket Wizards should I ????

If you want it to add to the scene you can, if you don't you can set it so it won't. Some people have shown it ALWAYS seems to add to the light even when you don't want it to but I've never had that problem (possibly just down to how crap I am :LOL:). I know the SB-800/900 and SU-800 can all control 3 groups rather than just the two that the onboard camera CLS system can.

Looking at the pennies, an SU-800 costs nearly as mch as a SB-800 - if you do get another actual flash it gives you more options later should you decide to go with PW/Skyports/radio poppers (should they ever appear in the UK Grrr).

The SU-800 is much smaller than an SB-800 and so the whole camera set-up is easier to handle with one.

While I appreicate the whole issue of requiring line of sight for Nikon's the CLS system, the fact that you can shoot twith iTTL and control all Speedlights from the body far outweighs the so called disadvantages. Besides, I've a set of PovertyWizards for those times where I might need to flash around corners.