Police at it again


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Not sure if this has already been posted, but I've only seen it this morning, yet again it beggars belief

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Never seen the video I linked too until the last couple of posts from the whole thread, (unless I missed it) so hardly done to death
I wonder how many vids are doing the rounds of the police doing good deeds?
Helping people in the difficult weather and conditions, comforting accident victims, etc.
I wonder how many vids are doing the rounds of the police doing good deeds?
Helping people in the difficult weather and conditions, comforting accident victims, etc.
You can see them every day on tv!
Its not just police.. lets be fair... mistakes or wrongdoings will always be the most viewed or talked about... in any part of life I can think of.. theres even TV programs dedicated to people messing up... Its the way of the world...
Well anti the ones who here appear to have been prepared to perjure themselves - but what a pillock photographer ... made things 100 times worse than necessary :rolleyes:
I wonder how many vids are doing the rounds of the police doing good deeds?
Helping people in the difficult weather and conditions, comforting accident victims, etc.
My stock response- hooray another anti police thread.

So, we should just ignore all these minor examples of poor behaviour then?

Pretend they don't happen much, sweep them under the carpet and calmly carry on? Don't complain, don't make a fuss, follow the crowd in blind tradition? ...just as long as yous all pay the bills to ensure the housing market doesn't go flip-side.

:D No one in particular above guys, :) Just joining in with, 'Yeh whoopie, tar brushing time'
So, we should just ignore all these minor examples of poor behaviour then?

Pretend they don't happen much, sweep them under the carpet and calmly carry on? Don't complain, don't make a fuss, follow the crowd in blind tradition? ...just as long as yous all pay the bills to ensure the housing market doesn't go flip-side.

:D No one in particular above guys, :) Just joining in with, 'Yeh whoopie, tar brushing time'

No, we shouldn't roll over.
And no, they don't happen much.

But put it in perspective. Don't make it look like this is a common occurrence that every police officer does.
Don't forget all the good work these people do under difficult conditions.
Hi. As it goes it was you who referenced 'every police officer' under the same tarring with your unnecessary defence of the whole force.

Most of us spend our lives doing good work under difficult conditions, why would I forget this fact or even consider that most officers are not also decent hard working folk? ...where do you get your defensive reaction from? ..if you don't know, may I'd suggest a guess at the years of brainwashing media might have done it?

I mean seriously :) How do you know they don't happen much, I talk from experience, what premiss did you use to you come to your conclusion. ...same as above?
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'Unnecessary' defence of the whole force?

Are you kidding?
why didn't inspector nick him, ? ( did he know he mess it up ? so told the Sgt & PC to nick him? )
I wonder how many vids are doing the rounds of the police doing good deeds?
Helping people in the difficult weather and conditions, comforting accident victims, etc.

no body cares because that's the job they are supposed to do. seeing the police act like the video above is newsworthy.
So does anybody know whether he'd been drinking anything (apart from the tea he admitted too, wow I'd best stay in cause I've just had a brew) and does anybody know if he'd been driving. I always thought it was innocent till 'proven' guilty. I know the police have a hard, make that very hard, job but they should do it properly IMO. Does anyone else get praised highly and publicly for doing their job properly? No, so why should the police! Of course we only see things like this on places like this but that's because it's likely to create a discussion more than a motorist being ticketed for speeding etc.

I've seen a lot of the 'pro police' programmes on TV and have seen at least 3 assaults commited by the police while quoting 'section 5 public order'. Just one that springs to mind was a person opening a door in a block of bedsits to find out what was happening on the landing and immediately getting roughly pushed in the chest making him fall over. The guy hadn't even said a word or done anything at the time. The officer hasn't been seen on the show since.
Did I get Ken wrong last night then? no prob. ... I can't make much sense of his surprised reply from here.

A general question, but just out of interest what are you suggesting as being wrong?

Well I used the words 'minor examples of poor behaviour' by this I mean the crossing of the line between polite and respectful to arrogant and threatening.

no body cares because that's the job they are supposed to do. seeing the police act like the video above is newsworthy.


Also police officers shown working on TV programs is sensationalised propaganda, it has little to do with educating us to reality or fact, they are simply made to draw viewing numbers...Bhaaa!
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The procedure adopted by the Superintendent, who then passed the problem onto the Sergeant & PC rather than dealing with it himself, is reminiscent of a course of action known within the 'Force' as 'The ways and means act' - i.e. there is no legitimate reason to do what you want to do so you make it happen another way.
"I suspect that you have been drinking, therefore I require you to take a breath test" would be a good way of taking the guy out of the 'action' for a suitable time that wasn't possible for what he was actually doing, legitimately taking photographs, (though he was being a pillock).

Not saying this was the case here ... waiver, blah, blah.
We have to watch pro police propaganda, sorry programs, on TV all the time. The odd video like this (which I suspect a lot of people in this thread haven't properly watched or listen to) which clearly shows the police officer putting words in the mouth and making up an offense, is welcomed by me.
Reminds me of Plebgate.
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Its impossible to tell the context from that clip - and liveleak have an anti police agenda so I'd not be surprised if they made it look worse than it was.

That said even taken at face value its hardly Rodney king - Mountains and Molehills spring to mind as well as storms and teacups
Context is irrelevant and agenda or no agenda I highly doubt the clip has been carefully doctored to make the policeman "look bad". As for "making it look worse than it was" - it's not rocket science, the situation clearly went from "have you had a drink", to "you've had a drink haven't you" to "he's just told me he's had two drinks"... now, I know some people here are well and truly on the police's side but you have to be a total idiot to think that's acceptable - context/agenda irrelevant.

If a policeman treated me like that I'd be absolutely livid, but I suspect that's what they're banking on.
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the situation clearly went from "have you had a drink", to "you've had a drink haven't you" to "he's just told me he's had two drinks"... now, I know some people here are well and truly on the police's side but you have to be a total idiot to think that's acceptable - context/agenda irrelevant.

If a policeman treated me like that I'd be absolutely livid, but I suspect that's what they're banking on.

Yes that's what struck me the most, and for anyone to say the video has been doctored I would suggest they haven't watched it, it's a clear example of a copper trying to fit someone up, it's as plain as the nose on your face, another terrible example of power going to someone's head, if he is not instantly dismissed for gross misconduct it's a travesty of justice, I'm not for one minute suggesting all police are like this, as I know most do a great job, but it really is about time the ones who are, are made an example of, and thrown out on their ear
Context is irrelevant and agenda or no agenda I highly doubt the clip has been carefully doctored to make the policeman "look bad". As for "making it look worse than it was" - it's not rocket science, the situation clearly went from "have you had a drink", to "you've had a drink haven't you" to "he's just told me he's had two drinks"... now, I know some people here are well and truly on the police's side but you have to be a total idiot to think that's acceptable - context/agenda irrelevant.
If a policeman treated me like that I'd be absolutely livid, but I suspect that's what they're banking on.
Yes that's what struck me the most, and for anyone to say the video has been doctored I would suggest they haven't watched it, it's a clear example of a copper trying to fit someone up, it's as plain as the nose on your face, another terrible example of power going to someone's head, if he is not instantly dismissed for gross misconduct it's a travesty of justice, I'm not for one minute suggesting all police are like this, as I know most do a great job, but it really is about time the ones who are, are made an example of, and thrown out on their ear


Its impossible to tell the context from that clip - and liveleak have an anti police agenda so I'd not be surprised if they made it look worse than it was.

That said even taken at face value its hardly Rodney king - Mountains and Molehills spring to mind as well as storms and teacups

Trouble is all them small ripples have grown into a tidal wave of influence and its making our police force naturally belligerent.

Seen in this light, this fact, cos I talk from experience, makes each tiny storms potential extremely dangerous doesn't it?
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Context is irrelevant and agenda or no agenda I highly doubt the clip has been carefully doctored to make the policeman "look bad". As for "making it look worse than it was" - it's not rocket science, the situation clearly went from "have you had a drink", to "you've had a drink haven't you" to "he's just told me he's had two drinks"... now, I know some people here are well and truly on the police's side but you have to be a total idiot to think that's acceptable - context/agenda irrelevant.

If a policeman treated me like that I'd be absolutely livid, but I suspect that's what they're banking on.

Absolutely right, that polis was lying through his teeth.
Nobody is making the police look bad on this, they are doing that themselves.
We (the public) probably expect too much from our police, we expect ALL of them to be hard working, honest, truthful and fair, and that is never going to happen, especially in such a large organisation.

It seems to me that the trick here is to manage bad publicity well, and that seems to be something that none of the police forces are able to do.
In any other type of organisation, when things go wrong and people behave badly, they are dealt with and there is an immediate public apology for misconduct.
With the police, there is a perception that senior police officers will lie, cover up misconduct and blame others for their own organisational or personnel failings and THIS is what causes public loss of trust and confidence.

In this case, the police seem to have done better; they offered no evidence in this case.

Case collapsed when it went to court. Police officer involved should be fired and charged.

Yes and it makes you wonder what the magistrates think about it privately, if I was a magistrate and this was bought before me I would be fuming, and I can't believe the main copper involved hasn't even been suspended, as Garry said the only ones making themselves look bad are the police, they need to start making examples of these idiots, that is only way they will get public confidence back, however sadly this looks like this will be another cover up job.
Case collapsed when it went to court.

Case was dropped, collapsed is a different thing.

I keep saying it, and one day it will sink in, the CPS decide to charge now, not police. It ending up on the Steps of the Court, is blame that should be pointed at the CPS.
I should add a few things. He was charged, therefore the CPS at that point thought, with all the evidence in front of them that there was a. sufficient evidence to support the charge. b. It was in the public interest to charge.

Lastly, on that point, the CPS drop cases for all sorts of reasons, some of those being absolute certainties, just because they do it does not mean there is police (or any other investigating agency) wrong doing.

Adam, I asked what people were alleging was wrong for a good reason. You say they crossed the boundary of politeness. Gramps is on about the drink drive process being wrong. I agree with him as they law stood when I wore a big hat, it was distinctly dogdy. BUT, case law may have changed to the extent where it may well now be reasonable.

On your point, he was clearly behind a cordon, he shouldn't have been, in public order where there is aggression used against police, the words, "Move along sir, there's a good chap" do not work. In the circumstances I don't think he was treated in a way that was unreasonable. That's subjective, but also based on being in that position.
The cps brought the charge to court and then provided no evidence. So I'd suggest they responded to an officers accusation of a crime and then realised after looking at the evidence that he was lying, so therefore they could provide no evidence to convict so the charge had to be dropped.

Bernie, I understand that you do honestly see this kind of thing as normal, as do may officers I'd suggest. But it really isn't in my book, I was a professional soldier 30 years ago myself, but when that soldier and his voice was in the press last year and he got life sentenced for his actions (Hoping you know who I mean) my mother rang me angry about the punishment and expecting me to agree because, she knows I knew what and where that guys head was at in that real war situation. of course I did know and I have plenty of admiration for the guy, but I didn't agree with my mother, their are some actions that go to far, it was cold blooded murder, excuse or not, under extreme stress or not, he had gone too far and he knew it at the time.

Just like these guys know it, and just like you knew and as Gramps says ...Its called 'The ways and means act' we all know it happens and it is subjective sure, but that doesn't mean we should ever class it as reasonable, normal or generally acceptable.
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Bernie174, if you watched the video you will have seen and heard the policeman quite blatantly lying about the fella drinking.

Why do you not condemn him for doing so?

I wonder how much the wrongly arrested fella will get in damages?
The cps brought the charge to court and then provided no evidence. So I'd suggest they responded to an officers accusation of a crime and then realised after looking at the evidence that he was lying, so therefore they could provide no evidence to convict so the charge had to be dropped.

Adam, that is so wrong it's funny!
Have you ever sent a case file to the CPS? Have you any idea what it takes to get a person charged these days? No, so please don't make silly baseless comments please on subjects you have no idea about.

Yes, I do know all about the ways and means act. In this case, it really wasn't needed, a simple, "move please", "Move please or you will be arrested", Nicked, highway obstruction. Simples. Why go through drink drive, it's far too much paperwork!

Bernie174, if you watched the video you will have seen and heard the policeman quite blatantly lying about the fella drinking.

Why do you not condemn him for doing so?

Simply because my computer didn't come with something that 'plays' a smell. He may well have smelt of intoxicating liquor, do you know he didn't? So on what basis do you suggest the Police Officer lied?
Now, it's possible he was, but it is equally possible that chummy did smell of drink. None of us know, so none of us can condem anyone for lying.