Porsche vs plane

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Wow, what stunning photos. The colour of the Porsche is incredible, love the first shot.
GFWilliams said:
Yeah, different plane in the fist shot. Shoot done for the owner of the Porsche not a mag so doesn't matter too much :)

Thought I recognised the location (y) and 99.9% would notice the different plain but I'm a plane nerd :exit: at least you have used another C130 (y) the amount of news reports I see and they name on aircraft and the one they show is a totally different type of aircraft

I think it looks brilliant I should add :clap:

Oh my dayz....That is a stunning set No.2 & 5 are my faves, really nice work, fit car too :)
Nice George - wondered if you'd put them up on here.

I was always going to, just took a while as I wanted to make the finishing touches before sending them off to the client and posting on forums :)

I've had a few shoots recently which I can't post which have been taking up most of my free time editing, so this was on a back burner for a little while...
...and 99.9% would notice the different plain but I'm a plane nerd :exit: at least you have used another C130 (y) the amount of news reports I see and they name on aircraft and the one they show is a totally different type of aircraft

I must be in the sad 0.1% bracket then too! :D
I agree about the news reports too. :bang:

Back on topic - Great set of shots. Loving to colour contrast between the orange Porsche and the grey 130. Spot on. (y)

Out of interest, how did you get the first one? Is the plane taking off, doing a low fly past or are they 2 images PP'd?

I like what's been done but I think there are some issues with exposure consistency across the set; 2 and 4 in particular have a really muddy sky that looks like it's been recovered too much and is too warm. You're also running close to burning the orange out in a couple of shots - don't know if that's an in-camera thing or something from PP.....

Shot 3 - the car looks diddy. You forget how massive planes can be!!!! :eek:

Some really good compositions there, particularly 2, which looks very magazine spread
Absolutely stunning set, #5 is the only one I have any issue with and its largely because I'm not sure whether I should be looking at the car or the aircraft, there's not enough seperation. That said, I think the lighting on all of them is awesome and #1 is an incredible shot. Probably the best set of images I've ever seen on here, well done.
Really cool set. I didn't realise it was a different plane lol.
beautiful, jsut stunning mate.

love the lighting in 3
I actually don't like the 1st shot that much - 2 subjects end up distracting each other and the processing on the plane is different to the car. I think without the plane it would look better but its still an achievement getting that shot and timing it.

That said, the rest of the images are absolutely awesome! REALLY awesome!
Thought I recognised the location (y) and 99.9% would notice the different plain but I'm a plane nerd :exit: at least you have used another C130 (y) the amount of news reports I see and they name on aircraft and the one they show is a totally different type of aircraft

I think it looks brilliant I should add :clap:


If you want to split hairs then the aircraft in the first shot is a C130J whilst the rest are a C130K.

Really good shots, love the contrast between the yellow car and the grey aircraft.

Nice work
I actually don't like the 1st shot that much - 2 subjects end up distracting each other and the processing on the plane is different to the car. I think without the plane it would look better but its still an achievement getting that shot and timing it.

That said, the rest of the images are absolutely awesome! REALLY awesome!

At least you didn't twig that the first shot was a composite eh ;)

Thanks for the kind words about the shots people :)
A Lovely set, and difficult to choose a favourite. But as has been said earlier, I think the bugs need to be cloned out especially on number 4, but once see they are then noticeable on the others.

You're right, I'd never have guessed the first was a composite, I was thinking "Can't imagine that was a one people wanted to repeat over and over to get right!" (y)
technically theyre great.

however like with the 1 series shoot i dont get the relevence of the plane.

the plane on #1 looks shopped but then i guess it is due to H&S and not being on the runway and the landing gear being up?
A Lovely set, and difficult to choose a favourite. But as has been said earlier, I think the bugs need to be cloned out especially on number 4, but once see they are then noticeable on the others.

You're right, I'd never have guessed the first was a composite, I was thinking "Can't imagine that was a one people wanted to repeat over and over to get right!" (y)

Yeah, I agree on the bugs. The set is behind me now though... done and out of the way. Now moved onto other set so won't be going back to this one.

technically theyre great.

however like with the 1 series shoot i dont get the relevence of the plane.

the plane on #1 looks shopped but then i guess it is due to H&S and not being on the runway and the landing gear being up?

The plane is there because it could be :LOL:

It was just a fun set for the owner of the porsche. I wanted something which had a bit more wow factor than the usual stuff
Great shots, just keep some quick detailer and a micro fibre cloth with you to give the car a cleanup when required.