Portrait Shoot

#2 is superb imho my type of mono completely and would be well happy with it.

#1 something is not working for me. Think the eyes aren't the star of the show that they should be.
Thanks Bryn, appreciate your comments.

I know what you mean about the first, I wasn't particularly happy with the eye's they are quite soft. I use the Canon 50mm 1.4 and seem to get a few problems with focus shift. I manually focus all the time and just rock back and forth on my feet to try and get the eye's really sharp but I don't get a very good yield. I like the lens, when it's sharp it's really sharp but it's getting consistent results that's the problem, very frustrating!


#2 is superb imho my type of mono completely and would be well happy with it.

#1 something is not working for me. Think the eyes aren't the star of the show that they should be.

Somes it up perfectly for me too.... can't quite put my finger on why it doesn't quite work for me
No1 works well, No2 is just pain out of focus ;)
The second one has more emotion and the processing works, but, yes, it's just oof, unfortunately.

I quite like the first even though there isn't as much impact. I think it works better like this... just a crop and levels tweak.

You have to be different don't you.... I preferred the other Les you know the one that agreed with everything I say... lol

well, No 2 IS out of focus ( should have gone to Specsavers Bryn) :D:D:D:D
2 really good shots. I think my gripe with the first shot isn't your photography, it's the red lipstick! It just draws the attention too much. A paler lipstick would have helped keep the attention on her eyes instead.
No2 isn't sharp but I do like the lighting and processing.

I like 1 but something doesn't quite work, I couldn't put my finger on it and karmagarda has nailed it with the lipstick, definitely overpowers the rest of the image in this case.