Portraits of a poorly girl.

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Apparently, she was too ill to have her photo taken. But you can tell she loved it :p

I don't usually do portraits, so I'd like some C+C please. Just some tips.
All shot with a Canon EOS 350D + Canon 430ex + Sigma 24-60mm f/2.8
The reason most of these are in black and white is because I had the ISO set at 1600 and didn't notice, so I converted them to B+W to use the noise to my advantage.

This shot is my favourite, just because it shows her personality really well.
60mm / f/5 / 1/200 / ISO1600
I had the flash pointing right, and bouncing off a mirror to the right of me.

I think this shot works, but I could be mistaken! :shrug:
60mm / f/5 / 1/200 / ISO1600
I had the flash pointing right, and bouncing off a mirror to the right of me.

I'm not sure if this shot works. I don't think I got the light quite right (excuse the rhyme :p)
52mm / f/5 / 1/200 / ISO1600
I had the flash pointing right, and bouncing off a mirror to the right of me.

I really really like this shot. I think it works really well. She said her hair looked terrible in it, but what does she know :p
60mm / f/5 / 1/200 / ISO100
I had the flash bouncing off the ceiling.

Another shot that I'm not sure if it works or not.
60mm / f/2.8 / 1/200 / ISO100
I think I should have used a lower aperture on this, because the left eye (or right if you want to be pedantic) is slightly out of focus. Also, its had such a dramatic crop due to me not framing the whole nose in the shot, and causing it to look incomplete.
nice shots FP. no 1 is the best, really captured a cheeky side.
These are lovely, and the 1st shot is my fave too ... really made me smile ... its adorable! (y)

I also really like the composition of #2, she looks a little sleepy in the eye but you get away with it with her having 'bed hair', so again, lovely.

I like the remaining 2 pics as well, they just dont stand out for me as much as the first two!

Final image, I think maybe if youre going to concentrate on her eyes like that, then you need a little more light in them, Id also crop on the left to the start of her hair, but thats jmo :)
Great shots, and a nice model there; and you say you don't like portrait-shoot? :shrug: ... with a model like her, results like these you should do more ... a lot more.

My fav. are the first (love the hidden smile) and the last b&w (y)
Final image, I think maybe if youre going to concentrate on her eyes like that, then you need a little more light in them, Id also crop on the left to the start of her hair, but thats jmo :)

Awh thanks for the lovely comments glo :)
She has such pretty eyes, I think this is a shot I'm going to try again. Perhaps I'll use the flash off-camera with a softbox? :thinking:

Thanks for the comments wail :) She'll be chuffed to read them :p
I'm not big on B&W, but those first 3 are pretty good. Very pretty lady too, and her "bad hair" actually adds to the photo's - like a sort of "big hair" - well I know what I mean anyway :D

Not sure about #4, but the last one is nice too, although a fraction more light to her left, and a slightly tighter crop may have helped - but what do I know :shrug:

I'm not big on B&W, but those first 3 are pretty good. Very pretty lady too, and her "bad hair" actually adds to the photo's - like a sort of "big hair" - well I know what I mean anyway :D

Not sure about #4, but the last one is nice too, although a fraction more light to her left, and a slightly tighter crop may have helped - but what do I know :shrug:


I had no intention of putting these into black and white, as I said, ISO1600 by accident (we've all done it :p)
I couldn't get them to work in colour, so tried black and white with increased contrast and it was the only way I could get it to work.
I believe for the 5th image, I had the flash pointed left, bouncing off a mirror, hence the lack of light on her left side.
I think I'll need to use a softbox to spread the light more evenly.

Thanks for the comments though :)
Well appreciated :)
Nice self esteem boost for her, too :p
love number 1.
they have a really nice quality to them. not a fan of sigma lenses but that one's a cracker for this sort of thing.
If I'm honest, I've contemplated saving up for the Canon equivalents of the Sigma lenses I have (i.e. the Canon 10-22, the Canon 24-70) but having tested all of the Sigma/Canon lenses that are similar, most of the time the Sigma is similar or very close to being as good as its Canon counterpart, yet with a price tag that is nowhere near as hefty.
The Canon lenses beat the Sigma lenses hands down for build quality, but most of the time they're very good.

And the Sigma 24-70mm, in my opinion, produces better, more consistent photos than the Canon 24-70mm. Which is a rare case of a 3rd party, £230 lens beating a £800 L :D