Beginner Portraiture lens for DX camera

Nadia Costa
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Hello everyone

I´m about to make my first move into portraiture photography (pets and children) and I´m looking for the best lens options that would fit this purpose for DX camera - Nikon D5200.
Am looking for sharp definition and to achieve nice and soft blurred background for an affordable price.

Thank you to take time to give me some advices :)

Best wishes,

Do you know how much distance to your subjects you're going to have? As Phil says, the 85mm is a great choice but you might need a fair bit of room to use it.
I'd personally go with an 85mm f/1.8 on a DX (or FX come to that) for portraits. Might I recommend going to a local camera shop and sticking a 50mm lens on a DX body. If you think it's too wide, an 85 will be just right.

If you decide on a 50mm, you might be better off going for an f/1.4 over an f/1.8 if you're after a shallow depth-of-field.