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OK, the scenario is this. Camera club portraiture evening, two female models, studio lighting already set up, white and black backgrounds available, limited shooting time due to numbers. I have the choice of a 90mm prime, 50mm prime, 24-85 zoom or wide angle lens on a D300.

What I'm after is ideas for posing the model which, apart from my own equipment, is about the only thing I will have control of. I'm trying to get something different to the conventional 'head shot' but it needs to be reasonably simple and quick to put into effect.

Anyone help please?

TP doesn't allow file uploading for sharing docs etc, so I've hosted this on my DropBox account for you. I shall leave it there for a few days if you want it..


It's a PDF posing guide with over 450 pics illustrating all sorts of poses. It's also a whopper of a document: 52MB

Hope it helps.
Thanks John. Unfortunately the link doesn't seem to work for me.:crying:
Hmmm, how strange. Maybe try now please, as it may have still been uploading itself to my Dropbox space when I posted the link.

If not, then I'll remove it and if you want to send me your email addy I'll forward it to you there.
Thanks for the link John...

It is working, if you just click on it you have a blank screen until it downloads...
Use Right click and Save link as...
You can see the file downloading, takes a few minutes...


Should add NSFW after it has downloaded... :nuts:
Ideal if you are going to do glamour or boudoir shots...
Not sure i would show my clients these pictures...

There is a tamer version going around somewhere with couple poses added...
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Got it now. Thanks John and Mark. I know for a fact that my models will be fully clothed but many of the poses will work nevertheless.

Question is, how do you remember them? :):):)
Any more advice? I was thinking of using the 90mm prime, is it worth trying the wide angle bearing in mind my time will be limited?
The focal length will depend on how much space you have to stand back from the models, how wide your backgrounds are and whether you're going for headshots, head and shoulders, 3/4 length, full length, 1 girl, 2 girls etc etc. In that respect I think your zoom is going to be the most practical. You won't notice the difference between 85-90mm, if you do just take half a pace forwards and only using one lens will mean you can concentrate on building a rapport with the model rather than sodding about with kit.

I assume this will be one of those camera club things where the lights are set up and everyone shoots under the same lighting. Just remember that not all poses will work under the same lighting setup so if you're not allowed to change them or it takes too much time to have every member putting lights where they want them try and group the poses into similar lighting setups, see what lighting you have and pick the right group of poses.

If your models are any good you won't have to worry about posing them, good models can do that all on their own. If you've got the club secretary's pretty niece then you might have to give a lot more direction.
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I have seen another one on some sites, but that is just a black and white outline clip art thing. Some of the positions are interesting for portraits, though - if only waist up :)
Thank you Sir :LOL: Good advice I think(y) They're not professional models but are able to do a few poses themselves but nothing exciting (as in different or novel, I hasten to add;) )
Will these help? I can't remember where I got them.




The chances are you've done your shoot by now but I've only just seen this thread and as I did a camera club portrait shoot last night I thought I'd share a shot that I quite liked. Apologies for the very poor quality of photo, this shot was taken of the LCD on the back of my D300 with my phone. I've not got round to processing any of the shots yet but it gives you an idea of a nice pose.

Anyone any links for info on posing heavier women? Got a bride to shoot on Friday who is a little curvier and it'd be nice to make sure I have some complimentary poses :)

Dont suppose there is a chance you could put that in your dropbox again...Ill be doing some shoots soon...and it would be a big help...

Its still there to download mate
Thanks for the link, im donwloading it now, no doubt it`ll be very handy.

Anyone any links for info on posing heavier women? Got a bride to shoot on Friday who is a little curvier and it'd be nice to make sure I have some complimentary poses :)

Im quite intrested in this as well, be good to know what is and isnt flattering from experience.
Does anyone have a copy of the PDF still? I'm trying to find a copy of a guide I read a few years ago and think this might be it but the link is dead now.
Anyone any links for info on posing heavier women? Got a bride to shoot on Friday who is a little curvier and it'd be nice to make sure I have some complimentary poses :)

The main thing to remember is that you can only do so much. You cannot make a fat woman look like a thin one.

What you can do though is check any pose for backfat and side-boobs before you press the button, and at all costs avoid a side-on shot with a big expanse of bare arm facing the camera. It's often suggested that making sure the bride holds her bouquet so that some background shows between her bent arm and her body will make her look slimmer and it might do, but in my experience that can also introduce other problems. Worth a try though.

For group shots, don't put the skinniest bridesmaid next to the bride, and for couple shots, avoid at all costs any picture in which the groom could look as if he's having to stretch to kiss her or having a problem putting his arms round her.

Above all else, don't give the bride the slightest opportunity to think that you can Photoshop the snaps to make her look like Twiggy.