Possibly My Best Ever Dragon Shot

Agreed. It is excellent(y)
That's an absolute corker Ian.

I'd be really chuffed to take anything near as good as that!
Thank you Brash and Mark :)
Cheers Tara, it's great when you catch one right, makes all the missed ones worth while :)
That is quite brilliant Ian. Well done on such a wonderful in flight shot.
Thank you all for your kind comments :)
A Brown Hawker certainly has to be one of the trickier ones to get in flight, cracking shot :clap:
Thank you ladies and gents, your kind comments are prize enough Baz :)
Hi, Well done this shot is a "Cracker".(y)
That is a good one - I actually oo'd :D
Thank you again for all the kind comments, they really are appreciated :)
"Red leader to base..... Bandits approaching, attacking NOW!"

An incredible shot - bet you can win some prizes with this one.
Well Ian, I don't think you could of managed a better one, very sharp, focus looks in the right place, and looks like you even had the weather with you, lovely blue backdrop. You deserve to be proud of that one. I spent one afternoon trying to get one in flight, and all my shots ended in the delete bin, So especially well done. :)
What a fantastic shot. It reminds me of one of those Klingon space ships from the old Star Trek TV program.
Thank you to all that have left comments (y)