Posted To Germany


Suspended / Banned
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As is the way of things, nothing lasts forever in the military and so I find myself posted to 7 Armd Bde at Hohne in Germany as of 14th Feb.

That glamour shoot will have to take a back seat for a couple of years I'm afraid.

I'll now be very busy working out how to finance my tax-free BMW M3 / Audi RS4.

Badluck, although Im sure you'll make the most of it - good luck in your new posting, and Happy New Year (seriously)

At least it aint France ;)

Like wow Rob ... they don't hang about do they ... :eek: ... I know I was always gob-smacked at the cruelty of such happenings, both the fact there is very little choice on the where and how quickly one has to do the depart once the news is broke ... :shrug:

I can't tell from your post whether you are delighted or p***ed about the news ... but I expect you will do your damndest to make the most of it ... good luck from us and I am sure we can expect to hear from you pretty regularly ... :thinking:

And may I echo WS' wishes for 2007 to you m8 ... ;)

Make the most of the dwindling chances of a proper posting overseas - few enough left! :)

Besdies, that's LOADs of notice compared to what I'm used to ;)
Hope you'll be able to stay in touch on the forum. How long are you gonna be in Germany, or don't you know? :shrug: Hope it goes ok for you over there, good luck with the M3 (y)
Hohne! That brings back memories.

I feel for you. I really do. I also know that Germany isn't so great to live in as when I was last there but there's still enough benefits to make it, even Hohne, more bearable :)
As a photographer still I hope?
Theres no plane like Hohne :coat:

Seriously though Rob, good luck mate, bugger about the timing but such is life. Hope that you get on okay out there and they bring you back home asap.

And before I forget - Don't mention the war!
Viel Spass.

Stay in touch otherwise your sardonic witt will be sorely missed
germany eh?


have fun!
Ah Hohne, that brings back memories. I was posted to Soltau in 1976 and Hohne was the place to shop - NAAFI - and cinema.

Good luck and keep in touch. Gillian
As is the way of things, nothing lasts forever in the military and so I find myself posted to 7 Armd Bde at Hohne in Germany as of 14th Feb.

That glamour shoot will have to take a back seat for a couple of years I'm afraid.

I'll now be very busy working out how to finance my tax-free BMW M3 / Audi RS4.

Cool, my brother has just returned to Hohne after his xmas leave, he's with the signals there, i'm not sure if you'll bump into him but if you see a Lt Maben say hi :D

He's looking at getting a Merc, Bimmer or Audi too :LOL:
Rob - You seem very philosophical (sp?) about your move? Is that cos it's a lot better than some places you might have been posted or have you been at the single malt again :LOL:
Anyway "haste ye back" & keep in touch with the many buddies you leave behind (especially the Nikon Enlightened :love:) ... Paul (y)
Not sure if you're happy or sad but I have to say I loved being in Frankfurt. Wouldn't mind going back either. Hope you keep in touch!
Cougar to M3? Doesn't seem worth the posting :shrug:

Spent 2 years in Germany - seriously depressing if single and like a life outside the Naafi. :bonk: Skiing is good though - snow in winter and lakes in summer.

I am sure you will make the best of it and perhaps send us back some great images to make us at least a little jealous. Good luck mate!
all the best mate keep in touch

ill start saving for that glamour shoot for when you get back :naughty:
I'll echo most of the above Rob. Take care and keep in touch.
Good luck over there, give em hell, look forward to seeing the pics.
Good luck Rob.....Are you still going to york??
I'll still be online, so you'll still see me here taking the p*** out of your lousy pet and kiddie photos.
7 Amd Bde are just back from a 6-month tour of Iraq, so it'll be feet up in the NAAFI for at least a year while they sweep the sand out of their vehicles.

Bonus posting: I'd asked for either Cyprus or Germany and this one is cushtie. Brigade photographer with loads of time off doing my own thing.
Looking forward to the pics, I know they'll be good - regardless of where your stationed (y)

Hope you enjoy it over there :D