Powerbank brand choice for topping up USB chargeable devices

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.....e.g. a phone or such like.

My question is more really of the brands of Powerbanks at Argos like the Energiser, Griffin & Belkin...............which to choose?

Why that store, well I have found some old vouchers and cannot immediately think of anything that I would like or have a potential need for! Another SD card maybe but don't sell the 'standard' I buy ( Sandisk Extreme Pro) and their prices are :(

So, what if any powerbank have you used of these makes???

TIA :)

PS ideally looking at 6000mAh or slightly higher as I still have a hankering to build a nature track camera and the specs say to use at least 6000mAh rated. That would be one use for it in the medium term :)
I have an old Anker branded one which has always worked well believe they do them right up too 21000mAh now.

I've got a 20100 and its fantastic. So useful to have!
Anker for me too.

Also use their braided USB cables plus car and 240v charging plugs.

I have a Zendure A2, bought over three years ago and still going strong.
It has a metal case and is rated at 6400mAh, bought as its a lot more durable than many others
I always choose Anker for USB mains chargers, portable chargers and cables wherever possible. Only ever had 1 Lightning cable fail and they replaced it through Amazon.
Thanks all for the insights.

Anker does seem to have a solid reputation. I will need to rethink what I spend the vouchers on and get a suitable power bank elsewhere!
Interestingly, Anker.