PP Rescue attempt - any good?

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The original (#1) straight out of camera was an obvious binner but I thought I’d play around with it in Lightroom and CS3 just for the sake of practice. Do you think the processing works? I’d like to add a ragged sketchy gritty border but don’t know how to do this. If anyone can point me in the right direction I'd be most grateful :)




That's interesting
I actually like the end result, reminds me of something that i can't put my finger on.
Interesting to see the two shots as well rather than just the end result

Works for me(y)
Considering how dark no1 is, thats great work you've done there! (y)
Needs serious cropping - if you crop from the right to just behind the girl's ear to make a vertical shape - I think it becomes a much stronger composition - give it a try.
Hi anonymous poster.

I think the original image is moody and has intrigue and drama, creating a sense of intimacy between the couple. If you really must tweak it then maybe just a very gentle touch of lightening around the centre of frame, but otherwise leave it alone. For me, the forced second version destroys just about everything that the original had going for it.

Your second version is ace.
The rescued processing has worked well.
I really like these kind of shots because it makes you wonder what they are saying to each other.
Like the result initially - maybe add in some serious grain to it?

Just a thought...

I love the way you have processed it initially.
It looks to me like it would suit a mono conversion, so hope you dont mind but I've had a play with it.
Converted to mono, sharpen the back of the ladies hair, slight dodge and burn and hint of a dark vignette.

Hope you don't mind, but I had a little play with it too in Silver Efex Pro.

Or with the crop some suggested above. If either offend I'll happily remove them.:)