Pregnancy Progress

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Hi All

My girlfriend is currently 5 months pregnant and I have been taking regular progress photographs of her in the same pose (side view from waist up) same position, same clothes etc. I was wondering if anybody had any good ideas how to present them on one photgraph? Probably only use about 4 to 6 of the photos

Any ideas appreciated!
Saw one a while back and was a 3x3 montage i.e. one per month. Could mount it on a wall next to a single image of the newborn.

Asked a mod to move this for you:)
Welcome to TP by the way:)
Thank you very much for the welcome, the idea and requesting the move. I was trying to delete it but couldn't for some reason. I think i have reposted it in the right forum!

I like the 3 x 3 idea will give it a go once the 9 months are up (if i get any spare time/sleep!)
Wow that is brilliant Pete! Great pregnancy layout and will have to give the 365 day one a go!
I know the feeling! I've already got one where she decided to wear a belt on her jeans and hadn't in any of the previous ones! A bit of patient cloning will be required!