Prepare to go awwwww (Cute warning)

Messiah Khan

Santa is your dad
Alasdair Fowler
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Went to Donna Nook yesterday (As quite a few people have been). Got up very early to get there in time for good light. We were very lucky with the weather with clear skies all day, and thorougly enjoyed the day. So here are a few seal shots (Prepare to go awww....)








4 and 6 are splendidily. The last aint too shabby either. Not to say the rest are poop, theyre not.

Good day out then
Some absolute beauties there MK. (y)
well done mk looks like you had all the good weather yesterday . our meet was wet good but wet :LOL:

Some corkers there mate :)

Number 6 shines for me though :) Was it cold?
And did you walk out to past the ridge bit?
i luv seal especially crazy and kiss from a rose, great photos
Awwwwwwwwww indeed! Some lovely shots there. Did you have to get down on your belly and get all dirty to get them?
4 and 6 are stunning and deserve to be posters they are all very special but these two image realy stand out.
many thanks
Great set MK (y)
Awesome pics, first class.
some lovely shots in there (y)
actually all of them(y)
Damn they are all cracking shots! I have got to get my ass down there. As always (y) Messiah Khan!!
Awww!!!! :love: :love: :love:

All absolutely adorable & I cant choose a favourite because as soon as I do,
I find myself cooing over another one!

Gorgeous shots MK, & well worth the early rise (y)

Had considered going myself this morning but chickened out when I saw the weather.

How busy does it get there?
Gorgeous set MK :love:

InaGlo said:
Had considered going myself this morning but chickened out when I saw the weather.
I too ended up missing out today because of the weather :(
I went down yesterday morning in the cack weather complete with waterproofs and plastic carrier bag around the lens and body :LOL:

Didn't go down onto the beach, just stayed in the viewing bit. Think i'll be going again on saturday in the hope for better weather and going down onto the beach

EDIT: Oh and nice shots, number 6 for me too! :)
All very good pictures, pin sharp and I'm loving the depth fo field, just out of interest what lens were you shooting with MK?
Well that series isn't too shabby MK. I like then a lot and like #6 best. (y) :clap:
Thank you everyone. :)

4 and 6 are splendidily. The last aint too shabby either. Not to say the rest are poop, theyre not.

Good day out then

Yeah, I thoroughly enjoyed the day. Good weather and wildlife that doesn't run away.. what more could you want. :)

Some corkers there mate :)

Number 6 shines for me though :) Was it cold?
And did you walk out to past the ridge bit?

Yeah it was cold, but once I set off across the mudflats I soon warmed up. I prepared for the worst as well so I was well dressed. You mean the sanddunes? If so then yeah. We headed out across the mudflats out to the sandbanks to the waterline.

Awwwwwwwwww indeed! Some lovely shots there. Did you have to get down on your belly and get all dirty to get them?

Cheers. You don't have to get down to get the shots, but I did to give a nice low angle. I prefer shots like 2,4 and 6 where you get a bit of sky line in as well. As mentioned, I prepared for the worst and dressed warm and wore waterproofs and wellies, expecting to get covered in mud. But to my suprise I cam back quite clean, as once you get right out at the waterline, its just sand.

Awww!!!! :love: :love: :love:

All absolutely adorable & I cant choose a favourite because as soon as I do,
I find myself cooing over another one!
Gorgeous shots MK, & well worth the early rise (y)
Had considered going myself this morning but chickened out when I saw the weather.

How busy does it get there?

Cheers InaGlo. When we turned up at about 8ish (I got up at 4!) The main carpark was quickly filling up with people in cammo with big lenses. When we set off across the mudflats onto the sandbanks there were loads of togs. Im sure there were more togs than seals. Have to say though, most of them weren't very friendly. You would have thought in a sitation like that people would be in a good mood. But I tried to say hello and smile at a few and they just ignored me. When we went back to the carpark at about 1pm, the crowd had changed though. It was packed (The overflow carpark was filling up as well) with families with little kids. The path along the fence (Along the sanddunes) was absolutely packed. So yeah, it gets busy but get there early and head straight out to the waterline and you'll be fine.:)

All very good pictures, pin sharp and I'm loving the depth fo field, just out of interest what lens were you shooting with MK?

Thanks you. I was using my Sigma 300mm f2.8. I started off with the 2X Teleconverter taking me to 600mm f5.6, but after only a handfull of shots I removed it as there was no need. It was probably harder keeping far enough away than getting close enough.
Im sure there were more togs than seals. Have to say though, most of them weren't very friendly. You would have thought in a sitation like that people would be in a good mood. But I tried to say hello and smile at a few and they just ignored me.

Thanks for sharing MK. :)
You know Ive had a few encounters like this myself,
like last year at Westernbirt when this one guy even came and set his tripod up about about 3 feet infront of my face as I was taking a shot.
Then recently, at a game fair, a pro tog totally blanked me when I spoke to her ... despite her only getting certain shots because I arranged for a woman with an owl to pose specifically for us both.
Maybe its competitiveness, maybe equipment snobbery... whatever ... I really dont understand such behaviour.
I think a lot of people these days are just pig ignorant and have no social skills whatsoever. If you say "Good morning" they're stuck for an answer. ;)
Yeah, there was one guy in particular Spanish by the sound of it who kept setting up right next to us. At one point Sarah nearly fell over his camera and tripod as he'd decided to place it about 2ft behind her. You would have thought on a 10Km beach there would be somewhere else for him to set up. :shrug: I think your right CT, a lot of people are just ignorant and lack social skills. Its often the smae when I go to wildlife reserves and people in the hides will ignore you and look all snobby. I don't want a full blown conversation (Infact the woman that decided to tell me her whole life story was maybe a bit much even for me) but a simple nod or a smile would suffice.