Presenting to clients via web page

Edit My Images
Hi everyone

I have my own very basic website but no means for clients to access their images that way. What methods are people using on line to present images for proofing to their clients? Any fav companies or websites you guys use.

Thanks for reading
I use Zenfolio - password protected client galleries are available - but there are lots of other options.
I just processed through prom images as a favour to a friend through photobox pro galleries.
cheap and cheerful and easy to use. not suitable for a fully pro-setup I think but handy for me.
how many images are we talking about?
I use wordpress with password protected gallery with ecommerce options to allow them to order prints though the site
ShoeQueen said:
I use Zenfolio - password protected client galleries are available - but there are lots of other options.

Will this site support >200 images in an album?
Zenfolio is unlimited images for some accounts.
I don't do anything professional but I do need to both display and transfer pictures. I used to host web pages free which is main point. My page example here I use pictures sized to 400 pixels wide so not much good for people to steal and print as just too small.

To transfer I use example!/1 this will allow even RAW files to be uploaded we use it with local camera club where we have fun processing each others images.

Again in both cases free. Flickr is used by many and I have failed to crack this site to steal images which is why it seems most people use it.

I think much depends on how much time you want to spend building a site. Also the auto generating Java Script programs cost money or are limited in what they will do. I wanted pairs of images with text so wrote my own Java Script to get what I wanted. However some sites Google for example will not allow one to use ftp to upload the page you are forced to do it all on line. Personally I want to build the page and test it before it goes live.

Joomla also has some restrictions again most is done on line. I use an old version of Dream Weaver nearly all done in the code section however I will guess many just could not afford the time I spend on building my pages.
Hi all. I have now been using Zen for a few months and with some successful sales as a result, hassle free I'm pretty happy! The web page you design Ida very good looking but has some very standard features but it really keeps the web page professional looking. I suppose if you are a graphic designer or wanted to pay more for someone to design you a very unique product you could. But from a no mess no fuss point of view it does it all! It really simplifies your life as a photographer.
Do anyone of you disable right click save or do you let clients use those images on places like Facebook? If so do you edit everything in your online gallery before the customer selects which images they want to purchase. I would only want my 'best' work if my logo is on it being used on Facebook etc but can't see how you could do this? I know you can still screen shot even if right click is disabled. Or am I going to have to edit 100+ photos!
I use Instaproofs, it has loads of features, and you can make separate event types and product add-ons. They take a small commission rather than you paying a fee for their service, so you only pay if you get paid but it's been great for me so far, and I make a lot of sales through it.
Do anyone of you disable right click save or do you let clients use those images on places like Facebook? If so do you edit everything in your online gallery before the customer selects which images they want to purchase. I would only want my 'best' work if my logo is on it being used on Facebook etc but can't see how you could do this? I know you can still screen shot even if right click is disabled. Or am I going to have to edit 100+ photos!


If you put your images online, they will be screen printed...even if you watermark's a fine balance between adequately watermarking and selecting the size of the images you display. Too big and they will be stolen and too small and they will not be sufficient to generate interest..... Trial and error me thinks...I only give small files for free if a print is purchased. It's difficult to charge if you start out by giving your stuff away for free.
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