Pricing structure and Licencing


Edit My Images
Hi Talk photography!,

I have been approached by a company wanting images for marketing purposes. Is it true that if I was approached by a company to do them a photoshoot they would require full rights to all photographs. Do agencies ever go back in say 12months time and review when the images licences run out or if they have used the images beyond the licence terms then approach the photographer.

Do we call these rights managed images?

If I charge my hourly rate would the business ever purchase rights managed images of the images taken on the day baring in mind I would have already charged them my hourly rate?

Can the company then do what they want with the images or do I have any say in their application?

Apologies in advance for any silly questions. This is my first job of this nature.
You write the licence, so it's up to you what they can do with the images. You ask them what they need, and then you quote your price for doing the work and granting a suitable licence. When that licence expires they either stop using the images, or they come back to you for a new licensing agreement. Similarly if they later want to expand the licence into other media, they come to you and you agree on a further fee to allow them to use the image/s for that purpose.