Problem with D300

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Hi all,

I'm posting this on behalf of my Father, who has recently developed a problem with his D300.

Basically, any PC or Mac will fail to recognise when the D300 is plugged in. Looking at the USB port, it looks like some of the pins are bent. Other ports (hdmi, power all work fine). We've tried numerous cables, laptops and PCs to no avail.

Can anyone recommend any suitable places that could fix this in the Essex or South East area? Or is it a DIY job? (I suspect it isn't).

Thanks for any help in advance

Can't help with repair shops I'm afraid. Though why does he need to connect it to a PC? If its only to transfer images then just take the card out and use a card reader :)


Is it possible he has changed the way the camera is seen when connected to the computer, it is one of the options in the menu, sorry I can not remember the option or what it is called.
He can still use the CF card. This isn't an issue. The card reader isn't always connected to the Mac so it's easier to connect the camera directly.

I'll take a look at the settings at the weekend.

Thanks for the advice.

If it is a camera settings option then have a look at page 225 of the manual to see what settings the camera needs to be on.

If it is because there has been damage to the USB connection within the camera then I'd recommend getting a card reader connected to his computer all the time and using that instead of the USB cable. Certainly cheaper than having it repaired. If he does want it repaired then Fixation come highly recommended for this kind of thing. I don't think it'll be too expensive in relation to what DSLR repair bills can be.
If it is a camera settings option then have a look at page 225 of the manual to see what settings the camera needs to be on.

If it is because there has been damage to the USB connection within the camera then I'd recommend getting a card reader connected to his computer all the time and using that instead of the USB cable. Certainly cheaper than having it repaired. If he does want it repaired then Fixation come highly recommended for this kind of thing. I don't think it'll be too expensive in relation to what DSLR repair bills can be.

Thanks Rob. I'll check Fixation out. (y)