Program settings for D80

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I am trying to get the best out of my new 50mm 1.8D AF lens.

If I want to set the aperture to F4 would it be better to select
"A" or "P".
I have limited knowledge as I've done most of my photography as point and shoot.

Any tips about using this lens would be appreciated please?
When is it appropriate to use 1.8 with its minimal depth of field, not with portraits?

To be able to set aperture you need it in Aperture Mode.

I generally find 1.8 to be too shallow for portraits so only use it for creative effect or if I need the light.

Still, the best way to find out is to go out and use it ;)
If you want the lens set at f/4 every time you switch the camera on, use A mode and set the aperture to f/4. Using P mode will allow the camera to set what it thinks are the best settings for the focal length etc, although it allows you to whizz up or down the settings to select the aperture or shutter speed you want. Both modes will give you the same shutter speed at f/4 if the light level is the same.