Project feedback

Edit My Images
You should be able to see the PDF with this link. This is a very highly compressed version of the book PDF. It's working progress at the moment with the intro, all that is there right now is a short artist statement for university and then the images but that'll change.

Just wondering if people could cast their eyes over it more so for the images and how I've grouped them together. The PDF is as double page spreads so images that are next to each other are meant to be read together.

As a recap, these images are more so about my childhood memories of Barry Island. As a child on day trips with my parents, I saw here with rose tinted glasses but as I've got older and that childhood gaze has lifted, I'm greeted with an alternative Barry Island. These images are like my feelings in images and all centre around When The Fun Stops.

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I like the concept and the style of photographs.

The first thing that I noticed was that 26 and 44, 30, 34 and 41, 6 and 25, 7 and 19 all had me flicking back to see if an image had been repeated. They struck me as too much like each other while other 'pairs' of pictures didn't - 11 and 38 for example. Also the vertical on page 17 feels out of place. Those are things that jumped out at me on a quick first look through.
Thanks Ed, your comments are fair and correct. I'm still undecided about the vertical on page 17 also as it doesn't fit the theme on layouts. I was looking at the doorways in both the images and was making a connection between the 2. I think you're right and I'll probably reshoot the vertical as a landscape so it works better. The other images I wanted that repetition through the book as viewers, like you did, had that "didn't I just see that image" thought so they became like a theme that ran through the images. Maybe it hasn't worked as well as I had envisaged it in my mind!

Really appreciate you taking the time to look through it and give your thoughts (y)
I think it's a cool project, they're great photos - I really like them.

I agree about the repetition.

I'm not massively keen on the jumps between night/day (e.g. 29, 25, 6) I quite like a more subtle transition or just making the jump once.

If it's presented as a physical book, then the pages are bit samey - in terms of always 2 per spread and the same size. I quite like books like mix it up a bit.
Thanks Ed, your comments are fair and correct. I'm still undecided about the vertical on page 17 also as it doesn't fit the theme on layouts. I was looking at the doorways in both the images and was making a connection between the 2. I think you're right and I'll probably reshoot the vertical as a landscape so it works better. The other images I wanted that repetition through the book as viewers, like you did, had that "didn't I just see that image" thought so they became like a theme that ran through the images. Maybe it hasn't worked as well as I had envisaged it in my mind!

Really appreciate you taking the time to look through it and give your thoughts (y)
It's always difficult to guess how others will react to how a book is laid out, especially to the sequencing of pictures. :)
Thanks both, totally Ed, I suppose if I laid the images out on a table and asked 100 people to sequence them, I'd have 100 variations so I guess it's very much a ersonal preference.

In terms of the same layout, in uni we had a 'masterclass' on layouts and where as I prefer doing something that's a bit whacky and all the place in terms of layout, we were taught about consistency and repetition of layout so I went with something that was uniform throughout the whole book and plain so it presented images equally.

This photobook thing isn't easy is it!

Appreciate all the comments, thoughts and criticism (y)
I've had a quick skim and don't have much to add, @Ed Sutton is much more experienced with this sort of thing than me.

The other images I wanted that repetition through the book as viewers, like you did, had that "didn't I just see that image" thought so they became like a theme that ran through the images.

I think that is a good idea and would for me work better to have a single recurring element rather than several
That layout looks better to me. (y)

One thing that might, or might not apply, but is worth bearing in mind for future reference, you have to be ruthless with picture selection. Don't put a picture in because you are attached to it for some reason or because it's a good single image if it doesn't fit in with the overall design of the book or feel of a project. It's difficult having a really good picture that doesn't fit in, but if it doesn't then it has to go.