Project idea, need help!!!

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Right, so I've just been set a project with the title 'Margin' or 'Margins'.

I'n really baffled by this at the moment, the only thing I can really come up with is using the word margin as difference. As in the 'margin between rich and poor/new and old' etc..

Just wondering if any of you guys have any ideas or a different way to look into this.

Why not do something with money?

How about thousands of £50 notes all neatly stacked up or throw them from the top of a building and photograph them as they flutter to the ground ;)
Just let us know which building so we can help you with the idea... lol
Haha.. I was thinking about doing something with money, but I'm finding it hard to create a series of images from it.

Also, I have none ;)
When I read the word 'margin' I thought about the word 'marginal'. How about people living on the margins of society, outcasts, that sort of thing? Not sure if that's any help or not. Good luck!
The margins of society (very topical in a recession), the margins of the urban environment (Edgelands, The Unofficial Countryside), roadside margins..

Margins are more than the difference between two extremes, they can be the fuzzy area where they meet and it becomes difficult to distinguish between the two areas.
Thanks for all the replies guys.

Alastair, I get what you're saying but my main trouble is understanding the word margin. Sorry to be a pain in the ass, but could you put 'The margins of society' or 'The margins of the urban environment' in a bit simpler English for me, maybe without the use of the word.

I may be being utterly stupid here, but I'm completely baffled by this title.

Again, thanks a lot for the help, really really appreciate this.
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First thing that came to my mind was the margin on a sheet of ruled paper. Not much help, I know.
Margin.... Could be thought of as an edge of something
Thanks for all the replies guys.

Alastair, I get what you're saying but my main trouble is understanding the word margin. Sorry to be a pain in the ass, but could you put 'The margins of society' or 'The margins of the urban environment' in a bit simpler English for me, maybe without the use of the word.

I may be being utterly stupid here, but I'm completely baffled by this title.

Again, thanks a lot for the help, really really appreciate this.

Replace "margin" with "the edges of".. examples of the margins of the urban environment would be industrial estates, retail parks, the out-of-town areas.. the margins of society is such a common phrase I'll let you Google that for yourself.. ;)

You've looked up the various possible definitions of margin?.. always a good starting point when a word can be interpreted in different ways, and a very good starting point when you're unsure what it means at the start of the assignment.
Or, create some little alien models and put them in a massive tub of margarine, "Invasion of the Margins!" :p
the obvious ones to me would be
the sea-shore : the margins of the land
photo-finishes/the end of races - maybe horses/greyhounds/bikes : ie the winning margin and the differences between the joy of the winner and the pain of the loser
"margin" also covers profit or mark-up, so you could explore that too
Being a country boy I would look at the margin being the edge of something as suggested before but maybe the edge of a field the margin between cultivated and uncultivated land.
Thanks a lot guys, greatly appreciated. I'll be sure to let you know what I go along with and get the shots up.
I've got no suggestions specifically for 'Margins', but my suggestion is to keep a notebook with you. That way, when an idea pops into your head, you can jot it down. It's amazingly easy to lose track of all those world-beating ideas that you have, you know.