Projector for wedding reception

Pete (really)
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Hi guys,

I've been asked to provide a couple of projectors for a wedding reception, does anyone have any suggestions for a decent setup using as little space as possible, not sure there is going to be a great deal of free space.

Open to either buying or hiring as I intend offering this in the future.

We recently picked up a projector, we went with a Benq w1070 model in the end from Richer Sounds. If you are really limited on space then you want a short throw model w1080st, but the one we have will project a 60" screen from less than 2 metres away. The quality is amazing and its bright enough to see the screen even in a room with moderate daylight or the lights on.
As psenior said, you are looking for something with a short throw, or if your budget can stretch, an ultra short throw. Where I used to work, we had some from SMART that could project on a 58" board from about a metre away and at a dramatic angle, so the projector can be hidden away bellow the level of the screen.

You other consideration is brightness. If your going to be using it in, for example, a marquee tent pitched outside on a sunny day or somewhere in direct sunlight, your going to need a project with quite a high lumen level of output of the image will get washed out in the light and you'll be selling your photos short.

Due to the cost of hight output projectors, you might want to consider hiring. Another option would be a large freestanding TV.
Thanks guys,

I've only seen a handful of these actually working and, those were not the greatest for viewing, I don't want to commit to this and then get negative comments.

I don't think the TV route is going to be an option, they want something quit large.

Thanks again.