Proper clouds for a change

Hiya Rory,

Wow that is amazing. Love how you have the moon and mountains in the shot, it really emphases the size of the clouds. The colours are great too.

Well done for stopping, even though you had to leave the car on the road .... the things we do for a great shot.


Dawn :)
Thats one cracking shot- well worth dumping the car for :clap:

Les (y)
Yes i like :)
Many thanks.
Those clouds were moving at quite a pace. As the skies cleared the air temperature dropped dramatically. It was quite cold.

As for the car .It's a B road so there should not have been much traffic however it's also very popular with people taking a shortcut over from the A5.
Great captures. Like them both, but the first is just structurally more complex.
Amazing photos :clap: i was in the same boat myself if i remember it happened around 19:30hrs yesterday at my location Bwlch Derwin and i found myself in one of those situations QUICK grab the camera i managed a couple only from my garden but yours are keepers that's for sure (y)
Amazing photos :clap: i was in the same boat myself if i remember it happened around 19:30hrs yesterday at my location Bwlch Derwin and i found myself in one of those situations QUICK grab the camera i managed a couple only from my garden but yours are keepers that's for sure (y)

Just like you i was watching it all happen from the garden. It took me a while to figure out where to go to get some sort of view. The location I chose was not perfect for foreground interest however time was against me.
That really is a cracking cloudbank, couldn't have timed it better! Loce the way the first one appears to be erupting from the mountain, and the texture in the second is spectacular.

Could have done with that bit of Blue sky over Tywyn and talyllyn on Saturday!
Two cracking shots.
I also like to photograph clouds my nickname in my camera club is skycatcher.
Really awesome.w
Wow, that's a great example of mammatus cloud (always found at the rear end of a retreating anvil-topped cumulonimbus). Also like the way the whole thing is lit up by the setting sun. Good work!
Wow, never seen skies like that before! Agree with Dawn, love how you've got the moon in there in the first shot, really shows how vast the clouds are