Proud fathers tears.

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This is an image i took at my cousins wedding. This is her Father (My Uncle) who was looking at his daughter signing the register. You can almost feel what he is thinking and his tear filled eyes say it all. It was a good day!

Deep in thought. by andywest1, on Flickr
Really good shot - the emotion and B+W really work well together. I like the way that you've vignetted it as well.

My only suggestion would be to crop a little tighter on the father (especially to the left) but make sure you leave the other wedding guests in, as they give it a great context - by what the women are wearing, you can tell that it's a wedding.

Everything about the shot works - having only just got married myself in April, I can wholeheartedly say that my father-in-law looked much the same - but our photographer wasn't able to take half as good a photo as that.
WOW! Thanks for the comments :) I am very proud of this one I must say.
This is a beautiful shot. I love the lighting on the father and how it falls off the other guests is there a way maybe in photoshop to reduce the light on the ladies cardigan
very nice shot- you can almost feel the emotion :clap:

I agree about the lighting on the ladys clothing- tone it down a tad

Les (y)
Agree, I'll do that! Thanks.
tis beautiful :)