Pround mother - the gang on day 5

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Bit difficult to catch expressions as their eyes havent' opened yet and Mum was getting stressed when they were away from her for more than a minute. Which is my excuse for forgetting to take the ISO off 800 (again). Doh!

Anyway there is some iffy focussing due to the rush and trying to keep the lights low but some cute faces :p

Spice Girl


Dennis (Healey!)

Nice photos mate, a much lower iso would of made a big difference for sure, not sure what lens you were using ? abit of cropping may of helped aswell :shrug: but nice photos all the same (y)
Glad you live quite far from Blackpool as i've just shown my wife and kids and they all want one...............:nono:
Yeah I have nbow set ISO to 100 ready for next time! I used the 24-70mm so I could make the most of th elight. I also cropped quite a lot out already but I liked the feeling of remoteness that these white spaces left. Mean eh? ;-)
Good to see they are progressing well, but a bit off topic, are you sure Dennis should not be called Denise? In the first photos, "it" looked very tortie / torbie , (um, that's probably tortoiseshell, tortoiseshell/tabby to you) and boys in that colour scheme are VERY rare;)

Eerm yes I realise my naming conventions might need alterations hehe. I tried to determine the sexes yesterday but mum was getting agitated so I am going to try again today. It's just those big bushy eyebrows - Denis was the only name I could come uip with - unles anyone can think of a famous woman with the same problem!
Awwwww....sooo cute. I want one :love:
Please keep sharing their progress with us.