Psychodelic Flutterby

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Just my offering to show appreciation for the new forum - don't be too brutal :D

That's very different gramps, I'm just wondering have I taken some LSD as that is really trippy, I'm not sure if it work's if I'm totally honest as there just feels like there is a little too much purple tones in there for me


P.S. I have never and would never taken an illegal substance, I'm a good boy me :D even if my photo's may look like I have partaken sometimes :naughty:
I promise to make efforts to improve :D
Hi gramps

Nice effect, however I feel it needs a wee boost to bring out the colours in the pastel shades on the bfly and the lines need strengthened to give it a bit more punch.
I used the dry brush filter in PS and a wee pull in curves and liked the effect - you might not. (Just in the off-chance you want to try it.
Hi gramps

Nice effect, however I feel it needs a wee boost to bring out the colours in the pastel shades on the bfly and the lines need strengthened to give it a bit more punch.
I used the dry brush filter in PS and a wee pull in curves and liked the effect - you might not. (Just in the off-chance you want to try it.

Thanks Charles, bed calls for tonight, I'll check that out tomorrow (y)
Curves tweaked but can't get anything from the Dry Brush, just gives white image and when closed down does nothing to the pic :thinking:

Hi Gramps
You have edit ticked, so this is what was in my mind - say and it's gone
Hi Charles that is better, much better contrast (y)