Qbox24 1st shots!

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Hey folks, I literally just got my Qbox24 today - I'm already going to be doing a quick shoot with it tomorrow morning so I thought I'd rattle off a couple of shots on the GF tonight as a quick practice / test.

- As always I have trouble being decisive when I PP so there are two different tones to the first pic. I think the second is slightly spoiled by the catch, if I could be bothered I might shop it smaller...

- Also had to ditch a fair number of shots because I wasn't using a second light or a reflector so there were too many unflattering shadows across the face.

- Let me know what you think - good or bad - I'm a total amature so can always do with knowing what's going right and what I need to change / work on.






I like #3 best but it would have been better if you had got a focus on the eyes.
I was actually finding it really hard to focus - AF was being a bit crappy due to very low ambient light... I guess I could either stop down more than 2.8 or figure out decent solution for an AF light... maybe I could pop the built-in flash up / focus / close it... although that's a lot of messing around...but so is David Hobby's method of having a flashlight keyring and shining it at the subject whilst focusing......
