Quick walk in park

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Had my D90 for a few months and finally managed some shots that I thought good enough to share. Bit of a learning curve coming from the D40...(and a little laziness on my part)

I know the focus isn't quite correct and the colour profile is off, but I will return to take these photos again and try to get them spot on. Actually, I was scouting some spots for shooting tomorrow, hopefully with a little of the white stuff!
I like the plane of focus in the first, use higher aperture to get all in focus. I would saturate the colours a tad also. Nice though.
Thanks for the advice. I went back today and experimented with the aperture. Finally went for f8. I think the focus is much better now. Also fiddled with the settings slightly in Lightroom. I'm not afraid to say that my camera and lens will probably always be better than me! Though I do love trying.

New pics in critiqueable section:

As sbowler says, try a smaller aperture; f/14 with a VR lens would work well for those shots. If no VR then use a tripod.