Quidco and cash back sites, any good?

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Not sure if I am missing a trick here not being a member. Not sure that I buy enough to warrant it.

Unless anything breaks, not planning on electrical purchases, next camera or lens will probably be 2nd hand. I tend to do most shopping in shops rather than online aside from the odd iTunes purchase and amazon book or DVD. Yes, I do use boots, b&q etc but only infrequently and not for major stuff, and in any case it tends to be stuff I need now or want to physically see first.

So, worth doing?
I use Quidco and have earnt a few hundred quid through using it. Its worth keeping in mind for any big purchases through Ebay, changing of electric/gas supplier and mobile phone contracts. You get decent cashback from them.

I do alot online so try and use it for all that I can as it all adds up!
I have been using quidco for around 4 years now and claimed £410 with another £32 tracked. I signed up to get cashback on a mobile phone deal and have earned bits here and there since. I think it great and will always check on quidco when buying anything now! They have good deals on pretty much everything.
I've always found Top Cash Back handy for getting good deals on car Breakdown Cover, but on a lot of other stuff the amount of cash back does seem to be getting less. Also watch out for any small print;)
been using TopCashback now for around 12 months & only lost out of one payment so far.. I think everyones should use these sites.. if ya going to buy something from off the internet then you may as well have a few quid back from it no matter what the amount is.. i dont buy much myself but use it all the time & since joining have had nearly 100 quid back.. ive got 20 quid tracking now from jessops from buying my new camera which is not a bad saving at all.....

\/\/\/\/ to sign up click on my icon below.. and start saving today.... :)
well worth it, saved hundreds over the years, main money makers are contracts, even on ebay you make a percentage of the commission from the sale.

topcashback is the best as there is no annual fee and top top it up by 1%.
I benefit to the tune of about £50 a month when using a Utility Warehouse Discount Club cashback card at both high street retailers and online.
I use quidco and got £100 in cash back. Although I only got £50 from my mobile phone and contract, and some from hotel, car insurance, days out etc. however I got most of my cash back through take away :confused:
Not sure if I am missing a trick here not being a member. Not sure that I buy enough to warrant it.

Unless anything breaks, not planning on electrical purchases, next camera or lens will probably be 2nd hand. I tend to do most shopping in shops rather than online aside from the odd iTunes purchase and amazon book or DVD. Yes, I do use boots, b&q etc but only infrequently and not for major stuff, and in any case it tends to be stuff I need now or want to physically see first.

So, worth doing?

I use Quidco for stuff like insurance and AA membership (with cashback that cost me £11 this year :LOL:), however a lot of shops offer in-store cashback too if your credit card is registered with the site, so you can still benefit from the savings....
I've been using quidco for 6 years and saved about £1640. You can register you cards with them, so whenever you shop in places that use the in store cash back scheme, you just get quidco without even knowing. I registered my cards and got some when I went to the cinema. :)
I use Quidco for stuff like insurance and AA membership (with cashback that cost me £11 this year :LOL:), however a lot of shops offer in-store cashback too if your credit card is registered with the site, so you can still benefit from the savings....

Was that a basic level membership. Mine with all the extras came to quite a bit more, but was well worth it in the end, and still a good saving on the list price.

ebay is another very good one. You get about £20 back for £500 purchase of something like a used lens. Not bad..
Was that a basic level membership. Mine with all the extras came to quite a bit more, but was well worth it in the end, and still a good saving on the list price.

I had the full membership previously, but the basic version that is linked to the one car gives me everything I need now :)
I use quidco with a Safari extension that pops up whenever I'm on a website that can earn me cash back! Got about £200 back so far, highest being £100 back on my phone contract, making it £11 a month instead of £20, then using this as a haggle point so that now thats what I pay a month, no cash back involved!
I used Quidco for a few years but after poor customer service and sales not tracking I switched to topcashback and have had no problems - "earned" (ie:saved really) up to nearly £800 in cashback in 4 years, most of the big amounts are from changing utility supplier or home insurance and mobile phone contract. There is also cashback for RAC/AA etc.

If you are not sure you buy enough to warrant it then topcashback makes more sense as there is no annual fee - no point in paying an annual fee to Quidco when you can get the same cashback at TCB and better customer service/more reliable tracking and 1% top-up as well. As you say you use amazon, you can also get cashback in the form of an amazon voucher with 5% extra added to the value compared with taking cash. :)