'Quite Chatty' .....


Also loves to mass debate
Edit My Images
hmmmm, not sure how I got promoted to that status :LOL:

But ... needless to say, what is a forum for if one can't have a bit of a natter? :LOL:

So if anyone just wants to have a yak, if you are new (as I am) and want support finding your feet or if you're brave ask for comments from an absolute amuture on your pics (I will tell it as I see it - no professional advice given .... I will leave that to the professionsal) but sometimes a 'birds eye view helps too'.

So heyho, I may be chatty, but then .... that's moi!

If you are new to TP, drop me a line and I will try to make you feel at home (from a fellow newbie)! If you are already part of the furniture here, well it would be good to hear from you too, who knows ... I may be able to tap into your experience :)

Take care

(The chatty one) hahaha
it's an automated thing, happens to your status as you post more, unless the evil mods get you mwahahahahahaha :D
Thanks David1701 (that is quite a youthful age lol) well then the mods are going to have some work cut out keeping up with moi! mwahahahahahaha :D
Your not there yet its only quite. :D You need 100%. :)
Thanks Andy, what does that mean? :)
nah...weve had worse...
So, for your status to change, the mods have to do something?? Minr could do with updatin....
Not sure how to take that :|

May need more prictice :LOL:
Anywayz, whatever the status, still up for a laff! :) And not forgetting the valuable photgraphy support! But at the end of the day it should all be in the name of fun and enjoyment! (y)
Make a name for yourself on the forum then the status will come.
Thanks Andy,

hmmmm, not sure if that is a good invite .... lol.... I am known as quite a Little Miss Chatterbox ...... so could have this status perminantly! Although I do like the others of: Getting Comfy ..... etc (even though I am not quite there yet)
OMG that is BAD!!!! (but then I am with Canon!) so maybe the verdict is out! hahahahaha
LOL maybe I should be a mod!!! what you think?:LOL:

OMG I'm going to get a spanking for that one ;)
sorry..... typo, 'practice'
Hiya David1701,

I think I have already been up against Dod [the almighty] (somehow in a previous post of mine there was a misconception to the Rodd and Dod connection, but out of respect I didn't persue it)

I am still trying to find my feet here, so don't want to step on toes (although that is quite contrary to my style) but I have to be on my best behaviour, needless to say the mods have already picked up on this and the warning lights and sirens are sounding! hahaha (got to keep them on their toes). Needless to say, I would never be disrespectful to a fellow member and would only ever offer constructive critique.

I am a friendly person and am here, like anyone else, to LEARN!

D :)
Sure you were lol
Soz, have to give me credit here! See u on 31st Jan!!!!!
I'm a newbie too here, and to photography... but certainly not a newbie to forums in general :LOL:
I also saw this pop up against my name - the only problem is that in non-Forum life, I am not quite so chatty :D
just thought id say hello as im a newbie too. New to photography as well but not new to forums
:LOL: mods (y) thanks for the clarification.

To the newbie to TP that popped past to say Hi, welcome to the forum and hope you have a great time here.

Take care

Dawn :)