RAF low level in Wales

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I finally got back to Wales!

I've been trying to get back to LFA7 for months now but between work and the god aweful weather it's been 3 months since I was left there.

The day was very slow with very little about but got my first Dominie and also got two good passes by one of the lesser spotted QinetiQ Alpha Jet.




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Incredible images! What kit do you use for these? And how do you get above them?!
My only and real crit is that, You've not left an awful lot of space for them to fly into have you? More space needed by the nose ends

Other than that a good set
Thanks for the comments!

Incredible images! What kit do you use for these? And how do you get above them?!

These were shot with a 1D Mark II and a 100-400 L IS.

Getting above them is easy, you just climb, although with all the rain we've had recently the climb was more of a scamble! :LOL:

My only and real crit is that, You've not left an awful lot of space for them to fly into have you? More space needed by the nose ends

Other than that a good set

Thanks for the feedback, always good to get some views / advice.

I usually do leave more space in the pictures but the backdrop here isn't that good imho so I tend to crop a little more to hide it.
I'd have to agree with Paul on the leaving space for them to fly into.
You have the sharpness and the speed elements down very lovely indeed but the dynamics of the images are a little short with such a tight frame.
I've taken another look at my RAW files and reprocessed two imags of the Alpha Jet with more space (the Dominie is virtually full frame so can't so anything with them).

Comments welcome, better, worse?


where in wales can i get to take this type of shot ??
Great set. Nice to see the Alpha. I think on this kind of shot a tight crop works because its all about close up detail and sharpness.

Great to see you back out there Gordon made the most of what you got there I prefer the reworked images mate give em a bit of room.

Take care.

Yep I agree, the extra room helps them greatly.
Cheers for the feedback guys, I'll make sure to leave more room in future photos.

Bill, how has the lakes been recently (weather aside)? Just wondering if Wales is losing out to the lakes or (as I suspect) there is less low flying going on?