Railway Photographers - A breed unto themselves

Gerard Saunders
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I have to get this off my chest: I have just spent an enjoyable day at the Branch Line Weekend run by the excellent Bluebell Railway in Sussex. The event was superb with everything beautifully laid on and the volunteer staff faultless in the welcome they gave and their sense of commitment.

The only thing that spoilt it however were the number of over-zealous photographers who insisted on positioning themselves so close to the track that on several occasions the trains had to be brought to a virtual standstill for reasons of safety.

I don't doubt these are the same people who I saw in the ticket office at Sheffield Park station queuing up for their platform tickets with their packed lunches stuffed into their tartan shoulder bags. Doubtless once a few snaps have been taken it is then a case of jumping into the car and racing up the next station in order to try and gain the best vantage point there, or perhaps getting lined up in some farmer’s field with a good view of the line.

I just wish some of these people would be a bit more supportive of the railways that are providing them with so much subject matter. I have never seen a railway photographer eating in the station canteen, buying a beer, or riding on a train for that matter. Most of the staff on these lines are working for nothing but the love of it, and it would be nice to see those who benefit so regularly from this commitment putting something back occasionally.
I agree. I love the old heritage railways and often go to take photos, but won't take un-necessary risks and will normally buy a ticket of some sort to make it worth their while. I do wish I had the time to regularly contribute some time to helping them but I don't live near enough or have enough free time to do so.
If I have any pictures that are any good, then I will usually donate them to the railway for use on websites or any printed material.

Although, as you say, there are a lot of "over-zealous" photographers at these events I should point out that we're not all bad! (although I don't think I'm quite at the "extreme" level of enthusiasm that I often see!)
Everywhere you go there are inconsiderate photographers.
A heritege railway near me has a good way - photographers have to purchase a line permit - this allows them full access to the yards and anywhere lineside. No permit and you are a trespasser.
It also means they are committed to wearing a high vis jacket and also an ID card - so if they act like the proverbials then they can have the permit withdrawn.

A couple of years ago I was at a castlerigg stone circle in the lakes - speaking to the ranger they were having to come along every day to put up a temporary fence around the stones due to erosion. Why every day? Because photographers were laying the temporary fence surrounding the stones flat to get their shot and then just buggering off without putting it back up.
I totally agree with you.

If you look at a number of railway photography websites it's amazing how few pictures are taken on the railways themselves but in a field.
It is many of the Hi Viz jacketed linesiders that really spoil it for many other photographers,so many but not all are just out their for their shot and sod the rest of the planet,I have seen occasions where other photographers have been in fields or on paths near the line and a linesider comes along and stands right in front of them with his Orange jacket spoiling the view and shots for many others

Now I have been a linesider myself but I hope that I have shown consideration and not spoiled shots for others around
I just wish some of these people would be a bit more supportive of the railways that are providing them with so much subject matter. I have never seen a railway photographer eating in the station canteen, buying a beer, or riding on a train for that matter.

I was there a couple of weeks ago, although I'm not a spotter. Pie and chips in the canteen cost £8, which might have something to do with it.
Pie and chips in the canteen cost £8, which might have something to do with it.

So did you actually donate anything to the railway society directly instead? perhaps you bought a ticket for a trip?

How much would you pay for the privilege (and it is that) of using their premises, their rolling stock and their free time to feed your photography habit?

There should be enough track for linesiders to get good shots without others being in the way, I know on the East Lancs Railway there are loads of places for good shots if your willing to walk down the line a little (with hi-viz vest of course).

I have paid of a platform ticket a couple of times when the 40s weekend is on but otherwise I gut park up somewhere and walk down a path or field. I have donated photos for their website and to a model railway club for a show guide who were sending all profits to the ELR, so I'm helping in a round about way.
So did you actually donate anything to the railway society directly instead? perhaps you bought a ticket for a trip?

How much would you pay for the privilege (and it is that) of using their premises, their rolling stock and their free time to feed your photography habit?


I make one statement about the cost of food in the canteen and you question my contributions to the upkeep of the Bluebell? I take it you wrote this in a hurry without really thinking about it? I pay them £20 a year preservation society membership, which is a lot more than I would pay for a daily entry of £2 given that I only go once or twice a year. I eat in the canteen but I haven't kept a specific record of how many pies and chips I've eaten. Trips on the train are infrequent but I have done some over the years. I occasionally give them something towards the East Grinstead extension construction. And I'm not even a train enthusiast or a spotter. Do I pass the test?

I also give money to the Vulcan.
I make one statement about the cost of food in the canteen and you question my contributions to the upkeep of the Bluebell?

Well the tone of your post was "if they charge £8 for pie then why should I eat in the canteen?" My apologies as that obviously (after your update) wasn't the case.

I take it you wrote this in a hurry without really thinking about it?

No more of a hurry than you must have been in to dash of the one liner you did :D I just asked if you contributed anything to the railway.

Do I pass the test?

There was no test, I just wondered if you were a free loader or someone who gives something back.

There are many things around that are run and funded by volunteers of which a vast number of people take advantage without contributing anything in return. You are obviously one of the good guys in this respect.

The main topic aside I love a good train photo, although the steam engines do nothing for me. Does anyone have a good example of what their best photo is?

And sorry to rant, I'd love to start a thread on the subject in the correct forum but the admins refuse to have a seperate motorsport forum so all of the decent train pics get lost in the mundaneness of car photos :(
The East Lancs railway has dedicated photography events, including a night shoot which is meant to be really good...so most keen amateurs go to these as they allow much better positions etc!

I personally can't wait for the World War weekend..going dressed up as a 1940's pap with a 1940's camera :D
The main topic aside I love a good train photo, although the steam engines do nothing for me. Does anyone have a good example of what their best photo is?

And sorry to rant, I'd love to start a thread on the subject in the correct forum but the admins refuse to have a seperate motorsport forum so all of the decent train pics get lost in the mundaneness of car photos :(

This is one of my favourites a Santa Special on the Severn Valley Railway

Very nice. I think it's as much to do with the surround as well as the locomotive.

One of the best that I've ever seen was on a rail photo website showing a train on a long tressle bridge in America. If I can find the link I'll post it :)
I make one statement about the cost of food in the canteen and you question my contributions to the upkeep of the Bluebell? I take it you wrote this in a hurry without really thinking about it? I pay them £20 a year preservation society membership, which is a lot more than I would pay for a daily entry of £2 given that I only go once or twice a year. I eat in the canteen but I haven't kept a specific record of how many pies and chips I've eaten. Trips on the train are infrequent but I have done some over the years. I occasionally give them something towards the East Grinstead extension construction. And I'm not even a train enthusiast or a spotter. Do I pass the test?

I also give money to the Vulcan.

You local to the Bluebell area then MisterE?

I live in the center of East Grinstead. I'm looking forward to the extension and platform opening in the Town, It should do wonders for the place.

I am guilty of not supporting or taking photo's of the Bluebell. I can't remember the last time I was there, or took any pictures. I forget its there if I'm honest. :confused:
We live a stones throw away from North Leicester station. My son 3 1/2 at the time started noticing the whistle from the steam trains. All last summer dragged me down there every weekend with him :)
Cant call myself a spotter or an enthusiast, but do enjoy walking down to the station with the young un and later on with my camera too.
This was taken from the bridge just before the station.
i do a fair bit of railway photography and i cannot agree more, some of the people there spoil it for everyone, and manage to tarnish all us 'spotters' under the same bracket, and it gets right on me tits!

And yes the High Vizzy veg are partically annoying, some are very considerate but many are just selfish. i take the Great Central for example last january was down at there winter gala down by Kinchley Lane. Having paid our lineside fee and also an all weekend rover we were lineside taking photos. Now many use this location that haven't paid. we set up just on the corner and they came down and had a proper moan at us. But the way we saw it we had paid to go where we wanted, they hadn't paid a penny so dont have a say. Where as if they had all paid we would have gladly moved.

Another on is where you get certain people running about the stations clattering into people to get that shot, slow down man it aint going anywhere!!!! Or people that walk right in the way of your shot, plan rudeness!

rant over heres one or two of me kettle pics :)





many thanks Matt :)
I live in the center of East Grinstead. I'm looking forward to the extension and platform opening in the Town, It should do wonders for the place.

Poetic justice! The extension runs right past the former home of one Dr. Beeching.
That one should be brilliant but there's something not quite right about it. Rule of thirds maybe?
I agree
I think it should be a portrait crop with the top of the steam plume still in the shot.
You local to the Bluebell area then MisterE?

I live in the center of East Grinstead. I'm looking forward to the extension and platform opening in the Town, It should do wonders for the place.

I am guilty of not supporting or taking photo's of the Bluebell. I can't remember the last time I was there, or took any pictures. I forget its there if I'm honest. :confused:

Yes - Crawley. I don't go as often as I'd like to, and it always seems to be the Sheffield Park end and ignoring the Horsted station. I'll make an effort to get there this summer.
6 reminds me of the cover of an old railway images book that I used to have.

Maybe this thread could be split and moved to a sharing section?
Thats a fabulous series BNilko especially no 1,what line were they taken on

Thanks, its the Keighley & Worth Valley Railway in Yorkshire

It is a fantastic set ain't it! :)

It certainly is, #6 has the atmosphere of a cuneo painting, and I really liked #4 as well, even though there was no train in sight.

Thanks the line is on my doorstep so its nice to go and get some shots.

6 reminds me of the cover of an old railway images book that I used to have.

Thanks I like to photo the people as well as the trains.
I'm glad I started this thread. Just seeing Biko's pictures has made it worthwhile.
Bluebell is a lovely place. The trick is to get in early.The stationslend themselves perfectly too,not just the trains themselves. And the ThomasTank engine days are chuffin' great too!