Ran into a chav today - literally


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I was driving down a dual carriageway in town today and there was a car stopped at a junction of one of the minor roads leading onto the dual carriageway. I was about 50 metres from the junction. Then all of a sudden, the four chav kids (all had baseball hats and tracksuit type things on) jumped from the car leaving all the doors open and ran off. It was obvious by now that they were de-camping from a stolen car.
By now I was level with the front of this stolen car - still on the dual carriageway but I had slowed to a walking pace because the car they had jumped from hadn't got the handbrake on and was slowly rolling onto the faster road. Three of the kids ran off and the fourth (the passenger) suddenly turned back on himself and without looking ran right onto the road in front of me. I slammed on the brakes (we had just been to Tesco so all the bags of shopping in the boot shot forward....) and this kid ended up rolling onto my bonnet and off again - he regained his balance, ran over the other two lanes of the road forcing other cars to stop and he was off away on his feet down what we call a snickett.

As he wasn't hurt (unfortunately) I carried on home, just round the corner, so we could off load our shopping. Then got back into the car and went back to the scene. By now the police were there and a SOCO guy looking over the stolen motor for fingerprints. I told the PC that I was a witness and that my car may contain one of the youngsters fingerprints on the bonnet as he bounced off it. I had my car dusted for prints, but because the kid slid over the car, the prints were all smudged and not usable. Anyway, I have heard that the police have now caught two of the four kids involved. I thought that the kids looked between 10 and 14, no more. Anyway, my bonnet now needs a wash as it is full of aluminium dust that SOCO used for fingerprinting. Take a look at the 'mess'

Makes for an interesting shopping trip.
You dont see that every day.

Good story, that has a "satisfactory ending" ...
far better some dust rather than a scratch from a belt buckle.

try not to slow down next time ;)
I think backing up to run them over is actually an offence, whereas accelerating to hit the b**gers is much harder to prove

That dust if very fine and may remain in any tiny scratches your bonnet has for some time to come, happy polishing
Trying to kill children by running them over isn't very nice, even if they are nicking cars.
no, by speeding up you may cause damage to your car - far more than the value of their scummy worth
Obviously not hard enough :D

( in a very civically minded way of course just enough to stun so the boys in blue can turn up ( eventually) and catch the little bugger.)
This of course is NOT anything I would do and is said in a light hearted manner to alleviate a potentially very serious action / reaction...
Phew.....I think thats got al the bases covered, bleeding hearts et all :D

Trying to kill children by running them over isn't very nice, even if they are nicking cars.

Breaking a few bones wouldn't hurt though.;)

Thieving scumbags.:bat:
I think backing up to run them over is actually an offence, whereas accelerating to hit the b**gers is much harder to prove


We can afford to loose a chav or two. There's enought of them about.
Good luck on getting it off, not an easy job from worktop etc. hope cars are easier.
Well done! pleased they caught two of them anyway! But more so that you are ok and no damage to you or your car!