You really need a lot more lights. It's not a very bright object. The Orion nebula is a lot easier to capture.That's lovely.
I had a go at M31 last night.
Drove to a dark sky (well, Bortle 4) and froze my mits off.
Don't think I took enough lights (30 subs @5 seconds on Olympus 45mm @f2).
Hardly got anything when stacked in Deep Sky Stacker.
I may have to wait for a tracker.
So thats at least 1 month of clouds now@wornish
Picked up an Ioptron Skytracker Pro yesterday from FB Marketplace.
Hopeful for a clear night now.
It will be enough to get me going.
There are a few videos on YouTube that will help you get to grips with polar alignment. Where you position polaris changes depending on the time of day and the date. There is also a moibile app that does it.Yes sorry
Thanks, never polar aligned before so I'll need to practice that.
My polar scope has 2 circles one inside the other and my 2 polar apps have just one circle so going to have to Google this as to where to position polaris in which circle.