Wild Rarely Seen…

Kodiak Qc

Suspended / Banned
French Canadian living in Europe since 1989!
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… at the marsh, these common Terns are
always a challenge to follow!




nice shots Daniel
try getting one scooping up the water as its flying
try getting one scooping up the water as its flying

Thanks Graham!

I did not observe any behaviour in that direction but
now that you tell me, I'll keep an eye on that! :)
i have only seen it on nature programmes on the tv
there bottom bill is in the water as they fly along only an inch or two above the water
1st for me, nicely separated from the background ... they are difficult to track when they swoop down to the water. :)
Seeing as you have offered these up for critique Daniel, here are my thoughts

The first has some nice detail in the wing feathers, the bg could do with some NR, the over all images looks a little too dark on my (calibrated) monitor, absolutely no detail in the black head.

If this had been my shot I would have either kept it just as a record shot or binned because the bird is flying away.

The second is the best as far as pose with good wing position, the bird still flying towards you. The bird does look a little soft, no idea of exit or equipment used, maybe knowing these things may help with offering advice.

I'm not a fan of the crop (persoal choice) and again, the over all image looks a tad dark on my monitor

The 3rd looks over processed, there's a (sharpening?) halo around the bird and the sky looks too dark
I know you like to use your software to get the best out of your images, but in my opinion and to generalise, these look oversharp, have too much contrast, and are too dark overall. As a result, they don't really look that much like common terns.

If this does not concern you, then fine, but IMO a photograph of a bird needs to look like the bird itself.

I hope my crit. can be taken constructively.
Sorry for that…
but they are identified as such in my birds guide!

No, I'm sure they ARE commen terns but your treatment of the images has almost turned them into something else - if you know what I mean.......

I think what I was trying to say is that your processing seems to lack subtlety.
Fantastic. I tried catching seagulls this weekend but haven't mastered getting accuracy with the auto focus, I kept catching the sky on focusing. any tips are welcome.
All updated.

I see, thanks Andy.

These were shot with a 600mm on D810 combo. Given
features, fonctions, may not be available on your body
but I setup Auto ISO, Manual mode, BBF, Matrix meter-
ing, and ƒ8.

The only two points I absolutely want to control are SS
and EV+/-. All these allow me the fastest and simplest
reaction time to new situations.

Remains the following of the subject and that is practice.
Have a good time!
I did get a couple of shots, with decent settings, however it was just getting the focus what was a killer, I found it too easy to miss the bird with the centre focus point.
I found it too easy to miss the bird with the centre focus point.

Yes, it is but I persisted.

Knowing the subject's flight habits, good panning
and tilting techniques help… a good gimbal too. :cool:
If I may say, Kodiak, I love the second shot.
I love the second shot.

I was hoping it would happen!

Since two months, I have this order on my desk from a
Land (province in German) government organization's
AD (art director) that requires such a take for a layout of
a poster to promote environment awareness by the 7 to
12 graders in their schools.

It had to have a "rare" bird in

  • a dynamic but not in a survival situation
  • have graphic colours that are compatible with their adopted layout
  • look for elegance, beauty or other interesting feature(s)
It was accepted! :)