Raw picture manipulation

Edit My Images

I have taken my first Nikon RAW images last night and using a plug-in for Irfanview (recommended by someone here when I first joined the site that I use for basic tweaks and resizing ) are able to open them, but it seems to have no better manipulation tools than if the images were JPEG when want I want is to get some of the detail out of the shadows.

Looking at the Microsoft Raw Image Viewer without downloading it it seems not to offer anything more than what I would get with the above software.

Am I right in thinking that if I load up Elements 5 that is staring at me from the shelf on the wall crying out to be used that I will then be able to do what I want with the images in Raw, including lifting detail out of the shadows, and then save as JPEG for posting.

Hopefully if you download a Camera Raw plug-in i think !
Elements 5 comes with the Adobe RAW converter plugin and is a good way to convert your files, with lots of options that more basic offerings lack. If you have it on the shelf it's a criminal act not to at least try it ;)