Recent countryside wedding

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This is from the recent wedding I have shot. A great day even though the weather was very unpredictable, but it held out very well in all for the day with bright sunshine and only a little rain here and there. Amazing young and fun couple, with the grooms family making the trip all the way from New Zealand for the big day.










well I like them - a lot! :clap:
Great set and the bride and groom should love them.

well I like them - a lot! :clap:

Thanks, its the first wedding so far and fairly pleased with the outcome:)

Great set and the bride and groom should love them.


Cheers Colin. The bride saw them on thursday and was really pleased with them, but the groom will not see the full set for another 6 weeks as he is in New Zealand sorting out the Visa to stay another year in the UK.

This is the sort of coverage my daughter wants and nothing personal but they leave me cold

No thats fair enough, welcome all opinions. I will be trying different styles as it was my first wedding, so I will be trying different things in the future(y)
You cant say that, and not give a reason as to why? :shrug:

Personally, I love them. Bloody good stuff :)

Oh no, I'm agreeing with Dee again! ;)
It's fair enough to state an opinion, but more considerate to also give a reason :shrug:

To the OP, these are rather splendid :clap:
I love them, I did a wedding on friday as the family TOG and was really disapointed with my results...I didn't seem to spot the oportunities and when I did I appear to have snatched the shots instead of composing myself so I have good composition which are OOF and sharp shots with rubish composition. therefore when I see work like this it makes me drool, well done:clap:

saying that the official TOG was a friend of the bride and turned up with a 400D and kit lens, used no flash durring the day for fill or anything, I struggled in the chaple with my D90 and ISO 800 - 1000 so god knows how she managed, at the wedding breakfast and in the evening she used her built in flash! She did of course have the advantage of prime position for every shot...

Only point I would like to make...15 works better for me with the image cropped just left of the bride, it is a bit messy with the guy and the arrangement in front of him. Only my opinion.

Woops, just realised I uploaded them too big!

Mods, resizing them now, sorry:)
Number 18 is a classic.
"Come and have a go if you think your hard enough." :LOL::LOL:
awesome work, love them all
Nice work - love #5 #10 and #17 ..... great captures !!
You cant say that, and not give a reason as to why? :shrug:

Personally, I love them. Bloody good stuff :)

Sorry should have said I am a bit of a traditionalist with weddings and whilst not looking for straight up and down shots I prefer the more formal images,I know as my daughter keeps telling me that this is not the 21st century way but its what I prefer
I can completely see his viewpoint and thought this before Pengiun's 2nd posting...I assume that he wants traditional group shots of the wedding. I can only assume though that these were taken care of too during the day.
This togger is just showcasing the more creative possibilities of photography capture a mood of the day with some candids, instead of just the List of guests which people on a forum such as this really aren't that engaged by (no pun intended)

I really like #11 btw. nice portrait

and does the groom look like the bloke from dodgy, or another indy band?? esp with the hat on..??
Sorry should have said I am a bit of a traditionalist with weddings and whilst not looking for straight up and down shots I prefer the more formal images,I know as my daughter keeps telling me that this is not the 21st century way but its what I prefer

Yeah thats what I presumed you liked so thats cool(y)

I can completely see his viewpoint and thought this before Pengiun's 2nd posting...I assume that he wants traditional group shots of the wedding. I can only assume though that these were taken care of too during the day.
This togger is just showcasing the more creative possibilities of photography capture a mood of the day with some candids, instead of just the List of guests which people on a forum such as this really aren't that engaged by (no pun intended)

I really like #11 btw. nice portrait

and does the groom look like the bloke from dodgy, or another indy band?? esp with the hat on..??

The formal shots were done too as the couple wanted them to be done just for the older relatives of the family who prefer the more traditional shots, but both wanted a relaxed/natural approach to the day and didn't want to be standing around in front of the camera too long.

Don't think he is in a band lol, he's a rugby player(y)

Thanks for all the comments from everyone.

Looking forward to the second wedding already(y)
Wouldn't have realised this was your first wedding looking at the shots well done. I particularly like the fact he is wearing his top hat for the first dance, makes it a little different from the others.

Awesome pictures...I like the groom and the bride's smiles..natural and brilliant..
Number 16 is probably my favourite of the set. What a lovely moment to capture =)
I can completely see his viewpoint and thought this before Pengiun's 2nd posting...I assume that he wants traditional group shots of the wedding. I can only assume though that these were taken care of too during the day.
This togger is just showcasing the more creative possibilities of photography capture a mood of the day with some candids, instead of just the List of guests which people on a forum such as this really aren't that engaged by (no pun intended)

i am with him ^^^^

they are IMO much more creative than the standard group shots and they tell a story
They're good work there. Especially for a first but good even if it wasnt.


ps, shot 17, legs to die for!! ;-)
I think this is a great set.

As for the 'formal v informal' shots.

I do formal and thats what my clients book me for.......BUT recently I have been chucking in some of the informal shots and they are liking these as well.

So I suppose if the client wants it.... do it...........if they dont chuck some in anyway and see what they think......................dont cost me much and keeps me busy lol.
Really like 16 you have captured a real personal moment well there.
I like 'em!

I do get the formal/informal debate and it can be hard to get the balance right. I recently had one bride who insisted she didn't want formal..........then ordered an album full of the formal shots I recommended. I like to mix the two to be honest. Most people seem to value the storytelling aspect of the full day but including some formal ones is always a good option to give them. They don't have to put them in the album anyway but can always sell some prints or extra albums to the parents if they like them.
i think these days its a bit of both, the weddings i have done have had both....... i usually ask them to give me a "have to have" list....... and then when thats aover and done with the fun part can begin.......! :) keeps everyone happyt and captures both the formalities and the fun.
great shots some better than others but that doesnt matter cos in all of them u have captured a special day for them, and especially deserving of a pat on the back for it being your first.
