Recent wedding (Images updated)

Edit My Images
Just wanted to share some images from a recent wedding.
The couple only wanted images in a reportage style with no group or posed shots (with the exception of the last shot), so i apologize if they seem rather like snapshots. The couple was very pleased with them, so i thought I would share them here as well :)






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JamesK said:
The b&w's are nice, I don't like the processing on the coloured ones though, they look wrong.

Can you describe "wrong"
Also are you on a calibrated monitor?
I would say that they look "washed out" if that makes sense.
I like the B&W one's.
Im on a calibrated screen, and have to say I agree that I don't like the processing on the colour set. I think the cross processing was .. over-done?, Im a big fan of the cross processing look but not in this instance. Sorry but if it's the look your after and the bride and groom are happy, that's all the matters..

Just wanted to clarify that I like the style's and poses in all of them.
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I really love all of the shots, but the b&w ones do more for me. I think the colour edits are a bit too over done for my personal taste and would suit a more subtle tint so the blacks stayed black (they seem to be a bit blue on my screen). Saying that, it DOES give the images a warm, aged and dreamy feel to them but again, not sure if it's my cup of tea for wedding images.
I agree with what's been said.....the B&W's are decent enough, but that colour processing is awful!! :puke: Both on my un-calibrated laptop, and my calibrated (freshly done last night) desktop!!

Is your screen calibrated?! :thinking:
So the consensus is that the color images are awful....
Fair enough, I had a very strong idea that the pp on them wouldn't necessarily be what people liked but didn't think they would describe them as awful... We live and we learn, I guess looking at them in a different light I see what people mean and would most likely tone it down in future. I appreciate everyone taking the time to comment (good or bad) :)

So the consensus is that the color images are awful....
Fair enough, I had a very strong idea that the pp on them wouldn't necessarily be what people liked but didn't think they would describe them as awful... We live and we learn, I guess looking at them in a different light I see what people mean and would most likely tone it down in future. I appreciate everyone taking the time to comment (good or bad) :)


That's the spirit!! (y)

I didn't mean the photos are "awful" per se, just that the colour processing is.....I really really don't like it!!

Although, I like big bold colours and lots of contrast, so I'm probably the worst type of tog to critique these!!
Im on a calibrated screen, and have to say I agree that I don't like the processing on the colour set. I think the cross processing was .. over-done?, Im a big fan of the cross processing look but not in this instance. Sorry but if it's the look your after and the bride and groom are happy, that's all the matters..

Just wanted to clarify that I like the style's and poses in all of them.

The processing is WAY overdone.
I had a quick look at these this morning on a calibrated screen, and thought pretty much the same as everyone else, but as I was just waiting for client to arrive, didn't want to start a more indepth critique at the time.

The reposted versions looks much much better to me, but on a crappy monitor, so will look again later. I do like the aged, honeyed muted processing, but as others have said, I think you had missed the mark a bit.

In terms of the actual pictures, they do have a nice reportage feel to them, especially the ones where you have caught those intimate moments in amongst the usual wedding organised chaos [3 and6] but does it carry through the whole set you presented to the couple? If so, keep it up (y)
I have to agree with the colour processing, to me it feels like I am viewing them through rose tinted glasses.

B&W edits are cracking.
As well as the obvious processing issues, there seems to be a lot of blowing of the hilights, especially the dress
Thanks for all the comments everyone!
I'm on my phone at the moment, let me come back a bit later and I'll throw up some "alternative" edits so to speak, but some good advice and comments so far.

I guess I don't need to add my views and I'm not a big fan of heavy processing however the black and white images are so strong that I think your pictures are crying out for a more sympathetic treatment. In the b&w we are taken straight to the emotion within them whereas I struggle to get beyond the rather bizarre colouring in the others.
I actually quite like the processing, a nice set. I'm sure the B&G will love them, good work!

what a stark contrast of shots you have here. Some are superb and some are really not. As said above the processing is what seems to ruin them.

Shots 7, 8 and 9 are really something special.

If you had processed them all this way I think the reaction would have been much different!

I don't mind about the blown parts though
Your B&W images are excellent - make them all B&W :)

I agree with the others - colour images just look wrong. I've seen the type of effect before working - more a a slightly washed and desaturated look but the images themselves are superb.
Whilst the processing style obviously was intentional, I fear they may look like a photographer cockup in the eyes of those who have no idea what cross processing is, or why it would be used.
Okay so I tweaked the color images bait and removed the pinkish tones from the shadows although I haven't changed them greatly, It would be nice to see what everyone thought of the color edits now. Also added a few more B&W's to the mix :)

Thanks for the comments!





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I'm with the majority on these. You have some really punchy black and White images, full of contrast and tones, and the complete opposite in all the colour images. I think there is a place for the cross processed, almost 70s look but an image without anything black in it just looks washed out to my eyes. Love the B&Ws though...
Colour balance just look too out to me, as well as still being washed out.
The colour processing clashes with the black and white processing.

Below would be my take, on your colour update.

Colour balance just look too out to me, as well as still being washed out.
The colour processing clashes with the black and white processing.

Below would be my take, on your colour update.

I see your point that where the B&W's are very contrasty in comparison to the color ones, which are "washed out".
And your edit looks good, its just not how I choose to do it...
I mean if we all shot the same and edited the same then there would be no variety, or creativity for that matter. :)

what do the colour ones look like in just normal colour?





A contrast boost and I think it's just my personal taste. What was the reaction of the bride and groom?

They loved them!
When I initially met with them and asked why they chose me they stated that they felt my imagery was very "clothkits" and reminded them of there childhood. Now again I knew that the color pp wasn't going to everybody's cup of tea nor would I have expected it to have been. We are all different and have different styles, and maybe on hind sight the images were taken to far, But as I stated before we live and we learn. :)
Thanks for all the comments and suggestions everyone!

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Like everyone else i really like the B&W ones, the coloured are not working for me at all, they look very flat, the one above is nice but i would of liked to see it with a tighter crop on the sides as the people in the background I'm finding distracting it also looks a little over-flashed to me, or alternatively it would have been better with more Bokeh which would have blurred the background people out more, you can apply more Bokeh in PS but it rarely comes out the same, all in all though a really nice set and well done (y)

EDIT... just had a very quick play in photoshop, just gives you an idea though :)
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SOOC : Snip...

They loved them!
When I initially met with them and asked why they chose me they stated that they felt my imagery was very "clothkits" and reminded them of there childhood. Now again I knew that the color pp wasn't going to everybody's cup of tea nor would I have expected it to have been. We are all different and have different styles, and maybe on hind sight the images were taken to far, But as I stated before we live and we learn. :)
Thanks for all the comments and suggestions everyone!


Well glad the couple loved them, and it's true what you say about us all having different styles etc. but for me anyway, the SOOC actually looked better, and if anything, just needs a little boost.

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Okay so I tweaked the color images bait and removed the pinkish tones from the shadows although I haven't changed them greatly, It would be nice to see what everyone thought of the color edits now. Also added a few more B&W's to the mix :)

Thanks for the comments!






I really like these edits mate...they look great to me!
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Tough one to call, thinking of them from my personal perspective (as a forthcoming groom who has just spent a long time looking at potential photographers!) the B&W ones are a little too blown out in the highlights, my eye gets drawn to the whiter than white areas as soon as I've looked at the main subject. Pretty borderline though, nearly spot on.

The colour ones, I actually prefer your edits to the raw shots, lovely feel to them and a style I would certainly be happy with as a client. However I think it's just a little too extreme, if there was a slider between those and the raw shots you've since posted I think I would slide it about 80% towards your edits.

I love the composition and general style though, really nice photos that I would be very very happy with as a client.