Recommend me a 10 stop and filter system

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I did own a filter system, cokin I think, but I found it too wee when I switched to the full frame so punted it.

Any reccomendations on 10 ND filters? I quite like the look of pictures taken with the Lee big stopper (quite like the blue)

Filter system: Lee, Cokin Z Pro or HiTech 100.

10 Stop: I think there's only really a choice of B+W, Lee's Big Stopper or some £2 welding glass off eBay.
Simple answer really.Lee filter system and pick up the Lee big stopper at the same time.
Using the B+W can be a bit of a pain if you also want to use grads etc.That's when the big stopper makes life easier.
You can save a few pennies on the other filters by getting Hitechs.They are not as good as the Lee filters but still a lot better than the Cokins.

How about a 9 stop? The Lightcraft Workshop is pretty damn good @ £65 for a 77mm thread. Multicoated and doesn't appear to have a colour cast. I still haven't had a chance to test mine properly on any scenes but garden shots seem fine (y)
I use the Cokin Z pro system for slide in grads and full ND 1 and 2 stops trying to get a 3 stop at the moment, rare as rocking horse droppings like Lee stuff though. I use Heliopan 10 stop screw in and find them free of colour cast so would reccomend them + they are available at teamwork at the moment.