Recommendations for UK framers that will deliver?

Edit My Images
I have a little photography studio in my little town of Fleetwood. I am looking for a framer that I can send my images to via e-mail/dropbox who will print and frame them to a high quality standard and deliver them back to me ready to hang for my lovely customers. Problem is there are so many and I don't have the money to send off for examples only to find they are not of a good standard. Can anybody else please recommend anywhere? Would be so greatful!
Kerry xx
Loxley colour
Sim imaging

Photography show soon at nec, you can get up close with all the main labs
Loxley Colour for a quality product.

I use Ezeframe but you do have to brighten up photos before they print them - printing is not a strong point but in fairness, they are primarily a framing company. Sometimes I use DSCL to print (who can frame as well) and then Ezeframe for the frame as they do very good prices with good quality frames.