Red Arrows

Remembing the Red Arrows must be one on the most photographed institutions (are they an institution???) in the country and lots of images we see of them are pretty samey. However I love this photograph, so different .

Thanks for sharing
Thanks for the compliments chaps.

There is a sort of storey behind this shot. Here goes -

I was checking the NOTAMS (Notice to Airmen) and 'noticed' that the Reds were due to give a display at Rendcomb (Glos) which is just up the road from me.

So, off I went armed with my trusty Canon 400d and a Sigma 70-300 4-5.6.
On arriving, I just missed a Spit display :-( but parked up and awaited the arrival of the Reds. Before long they could be seen on the horizon (having taken off from Kemble).

I put my brain into gear at this point - thinking where I would get the best shot. I soon realised that the best shot with my limited kit would be away from the main runway centre line. So, I jumped in the car and headed 1/4 mile down the road, parked up and stood in the middle of a farmer’s field.
WOW! I've seen the Reds display many a time, but nothing like this. Red after Red passed me at low level. Given the speed, auto focus struggled - and so did my manual focusing!! It was all quite exciting - as I shot one aircraft I could almost feel the opposing Red approaching from behind me.

The noise (for a Hawk) and wake vortices that descended 10 or so seconds after the aircraft passed over was amazing.

So there you go. More of an aircraft story rather than a photography one. But I guess the moral of the story is to find somewhere that nobody else is shooting :)
Hi Fly
Brill Shot (y)(y)(y)(y)(y)

Normally a bit bored with Red shots, but this is tip tops - Love it.

Oh, you're not a reincarnation of the Red Baron by any chance ? ...
"as I shot one aircraft I could almost feel the opposing Red approaching from behind me."
I too thought ‘oh no not another red arrows photo’ :cautious:

but I’m glad I had a look, this is superbly different it(y):cool::)
Hi Fly
Brill Shot (y)(y)(y)(y)(y)

Normally a bit bored with Red shots, but this is tip tops - Love it.

Oh, you're not a reincarnation of the Red Baron by any chance ? ...
"as I shot one aircraft I could almost feel the opposing Red approaching from behind me."

nice shot
it's all been said
my only thought would be it's a shame that the smoke hides the planes in formation, but I doubt you had a 200ft ladder handy :p also there are some jaggies on the tailplanes, I assume that's down to compression imposed upon you by the photohost
Would love to see the shot unmullared by dodgy compression as I like it a lot.
well I can't often anything constructive here apart from I love it. Never seen an image like this of the red arrows yet. Try and flog it to them!
Tried something similar - but I din't have the sun - or the talent!
Shot as they came over the roof of my house at Dawlish Carnival this year
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Its been said before but I will say it anyway, great shot, the arrows are here on thursday so hopefully you will not get Another Arrows Shot