Red Bull Air Race 2007 - Heavy Photoshopping

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C+C welcome as always

I appreciate how difficult these kind of shots can be, so please accept my c&c in the positive spirit it's intended.

ok. I like the way the plane is similarly aligned to the cranes (?) but it would have been far better had it been captured inbetween the 2 pairs of cranes. The pic is too noisy for me. The plane's prop appears to be stationary and makes you wonder what's keeping it up in the air. I also don't like the bird you caught in the place where i think the plane should have been. At that angle it looks like it could be a klingon bird of prey decloaking rather than wildlife though :D.

I do like the use of colours and the PS done. It's just for me it's a "close but no cigar" photo. As I said earlier, a very difficult type of shot not helped by a number of things I suspect. Thanks for posting it and keep trying. I doubt I could do much better TBH. (y)
I like the photoshop effect, and I agree with hepburn about the plane position and killing the seagull. If the whole outline of the plane had sky behind it, it would work better.

But those planes are a bit quick, and it is difficult to get the perfect shot in the perfect position when you're taking something like that, the difference in time between the right and not so right place must be a fraction of a fraction of a second. I spent yesterday afternoon trying to photograph bikes, so I know how much of a fine art panning fast moving objects is, whether its a bike, car, plane or whatever. Well done for what you've got though!
For reference, the original.


Kev, Markjane, Kiasdad, Sands, Lev et-al. See in in the Loop hopefully at the end of the week!

Hi Cheesy.

Nice shot mate, the original shows what tough conditions prevailed on the day, sky looks pretty dark! Are you shooting in continuous mode and AI Servo? if you were a previous frame may have put the aircraft in the prime position.

BTW I'll be on the fence at Warton tomorrow, the loop forecast is pants so if your passing give us a wave or call round for a coffee and say hello (y).
Are you shooting in continuous mode and AI Servo?

This was taken with an EOS 300D in aperture priority with its 'continuous' shooting mode. If I had my 40D ar that time the results would have been better! Might see you this afternoon,
