Red Fox mid-air mousing pounce, Yellowstone

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Hey all. Having a great time in Yellowstone, although today I woke up feeling pretty rough with pounding head and sore throat. Opted to play it safe and sit out of todays snow coach trip and get some extra sleep so that I'm back on form for the final 4 days in the park. Gutted but what can ya do. It's been between -37c and -30c for the last few days so figured I needed to keep warm today to stop this in it's tracks.

Anyway, it's given me some time to look over images and catch up on some web stuff.

Here's a mousing fox, caught mid pounce from a few days ago. Unfortunately, the shutter speed was too slow so it's not sharp enough, and not blurred enough for a sense of movement. As it is, it just feels soft to me. Full frame on the height, but cropped to pano for better composition.


D7000 with 600mm. You can read more about the capture, as well as see a couple more images from the pouncing sequences on this article on my blog.

Cheers all :)
That's an amazing capture Richard. Hope the rest of your trip picks up after your day 'sleep' day today.

Not sharp enough not blurred enough. Your as picky as me:D
Fantastic shot and i would be more than happy with it.

To make it perfect go back out in the -30c. Hope you fell better soon. Waiting for more reports from your trip
Nothing wrong with that Richard, an absolutely cracking shot!
I have seen this described. They tiptoe across the snow, listening for movement underneath, and then leap into the air, and then nosedive deep into the snow.
Thanks for this shot - excellent.
I feel for you Richard! Would've been a cracking shot.

I nearly always use auto ISO for wildlife on D700 (set for ISO200-3200) but shoot manual shutter speeds, making sure in viewfinder that it's good and fast depending on ISO (seeing ISO in viewfinder *sooo* useful) but I can't deny that similar thing has happened to me before now!


PS Lucky bug*er being in Yellowstone! :|
Well as you say yourself,this and that could have been better but tell you what its still
A cracking image and one I could look at over and over.
Good luck with the rest of your trip,looking forward to getting back over there for Fall this year.

Still a great capture! I remember seeing these foxes on a documentry and how they track mice under the snow and then pounce through the snow to catch their prey! Amazing that they can even hear them let alone know the exact location and then to actually be able to catch them!!
Well as you say yourself,this and that could have been better but tell you what its still
A cracking image and one I could look at over and over.
Good luck with the rest of your trip,looking forward to getting back over there for Fall this year.


Totally agree. Enjoy the rest of your trip. Look forward to more images.

ooooooooooooooooh, I am so envious of you being in Yellowstone - do hope you feel better soon and can get back out there very soon.

I think it's a fabulous shot - did he get his mouse?

Watched a 2hr documentary on Yellowstone a couple weeks ago - and have desperately wanted to visit - can't wait to see more pics from you. Gonna go look at your blog :D

Feel better and ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!

EDIT: on the blog, ha, now I know about the mouse! ;)
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Lovely capture. You may not be happy with the sharpness but at this size it isnt bad at all. As for the motion blur i dont think it matters a great deal as with the fox having all 4 paws off the ground we can clearly see its moving.Keep them coming as im enjoying your last few images.
Nice shot Richard, you got the shot even if it is a bit soft, better that than not having it at all.
I see what you mean but that is being uber picky!! Still a fantastic shot and looking forward to reading your blog now and checking out more pics!! Yellowstone is on my list!!
Absolutely brilliant! Well done
Not bothered in the slightest about the slight loss in sharpness. That's movement that is.
Hey all, thanks for the messages. I'm back in the UK now and will be processing my images and doing a full write up on the blog soon.

I had a 'behind the scenes' photo gallery going whilst I was out there, on my Facebook page. You can check it out here if you are curious :)
I've seen these foxes on a Yellowstone doco and it always makes me laugh - so graceful, and so deliberate. I think your picture captures that beautifully!!