Red kite - Sorry another belly shot

Tough decision ... expose for the whites and have a dark underside or expose for the dark underside and blow out the whites. I'm glad it's you pic and not mine. Nice capture, Gav.
Thanks Kirk, it's not great I know, one day they will fly past lower :LOL:
YW. Just a tip, Gav, and you may already know this but to get the best shots of BIF, do it when the sun is low and lighting up the underside. I know it's not always possible to get out when we want but there it is in case you can.
Really nice shot. As mentioned.The dark underside. Would it introduce noticeable noise if you lifted the dark area ?
Looks better, good job. This is nice but I can't wait to see a shot of it's underside even better lit, it has some beautiful markings and colors. That's one gorgeous bird.