Could be Flickr's resizing that's added it.
You could wait for years trying to capture a shot like this in the wild, so, well done, Jeff.
Could be Flickr's resizing that's added it.
think your on to something there ,could visibly see the shot altering slightly when I just downloaded the other two shots
You could wait for years trying to capture a shot like this in the wild, so, well done, Jeff.
Errrr it is in the wild . They just come in to feed once a day
Hmmm, just looked at the Exif data, Sharpness - Hard?
Not going to argue with you ,that must be how Olympus/ OMS set up there menu systems ,all I have done since purchasing the camera is set date ,time and normal shooting criteria’s a raw file anyway so I don’t see how it can be altered but I just take the pictures in future for your benefit I’ll look for OOF first :headbang:
Errr nones been applied that’s virtually as shot ?
Definitely oversharpened... whether it was due to default raw import settings or in camera jpeg settings IDK. In this case it is most obvious as a distinct black outline along light edges (e.g. top of the head). But I think the separate BG blur/denoise may have amplified it (or the impression of it), especially if some AI denoise was used (which typically also changes sharpening).
Could be Flickr's resizing that's added it.
it definitely does that - when I was posting anything that I was going to drop on here, I'd always upload a pre-sized for Forum use version to flickr so I could use the "original" rather than any of the flickr downsizes - the sharpening was really over aggressive, and incredibly noticeable especially on film shots - turning normal grain into something the size of hailstones...
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