Red Kites - Dumfries

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One of the things I like about shooting sports for Agencies is that you sometimes get an overnight and you can leave early and do some fun photography. On this occassion a trip to Dumfries to shoot cycling made it a no brainer to drop into Kellmyack Hill Farm for the first time. £7.50 entrance and lots of Red Kites to photograph when the food went out. A few tweaks to their set up really could make a massive difference to the photographic experience but it is cheap and cheerful and well worth a visit. If I go again I will shoot with the 400 as the 600 was a bit long when they were picking up the scattered morsels. The dot sight also worked a treat and all the images I shot were on the 600mm F4 using the dot sight and relying on that to frame the bird. Wide AF used on the A1 too so the camera did all the work with AF.
Red Kite by Simon Wootton, on Flickr
Red Kite by Simon Wootton, on Flickr
Red Kite by Simon Wootton, on Flickr
Red Kite by Simon Wootton, on Flickr
Red Kite by Simon Wootton, on Flickr
Red Kite by Simon Wootton, on Flickr
Excellent photos - I'm intrigued "dot sight"??

Excellent photos - I'm intrigued "dot sight"??

Basically a screen with a wee red circle that sits on your hot shoe. It allows a much wider field of view that would be afforded by the long telephoto lenses. If you set it up right they are pretty accurate and it really allows you to get the bird in frame very quickly
Nice work. Bellymack is great on its day. It's nice to see some images from there with some colour and light, as everytime I've been, it's been dull and grey.
Wonderful set, TFS :)
Nice work. Bellymack is great on its day. It's nice to see some images from there with some colour and light, as everytime I've been, it's been dull and grey.
It was scorching but the light was mainly overhead and slightly behind the birds. Very frustrating as they could make a really excellent place to shoot the kites with a little bit of tinkering. The feeding has been designed for the cafe not the photographers which is fair enough but still frustrating given most people there had cameras
Very nice images, been to Bellymack on many occasions as only an hour away from home.
If you go again turn up around 11 and talk a walk up to the right side, get some good images up there of Kites and not so many at that time so easier to photograph IMO.