Reds in the Bay - Torquay 2009


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This is a very small event which can be quite spectacular, there is only one act! These were too good to leave on the HD – apols if you are at Red overload… I willl only post some of the better ones honest!

1 - I like doing these...

2 - a bit of a stack

3 - Flag day - of course I planned this one!!!

4 - filling the frame

5 - another

6 - evening light

7 - going past

8 - This was the warm up act – all images 400mm f5.6 on MkIIn
some of the best "Reds" pics have seen this year.........
forget the Reds............number 8 is brilliant............seriously though a stunning set, well done
Absolutely STUNNING!!!!! It's so hard to get any colour in when shooting against the sky - you've not only done that, but got some utterly brilliant pics! (y)
I was going to pop down from Exeter, but the skies were awful there. I wish I had now!
Not that I'd have managed anything like this lot, great shots - again.
Many thanks for all the kind comments, I was without broadband over the last couple of days, so it was a weird sort of “Cold Turkey”.

I was going to pop down from Exeter, but the skies were awful there. I wish I had now!

JonP – I tend to do both Dawlish and go up the hill, great for side views of things whizzing past. Torquay is a great show; I tend to go on the sea wall (near the Living Coast) right under the main axis of the display. This year the skies cleared with about 40 minutes to go, you could see the rain lurking and falling in the distance on Brixham and Berry Head – always worth the trip…
They are epically awesome for what looks like quite a grey day. The bird one is particually brilliant.
Excellent set (y)
Better than I managed a week later :crying: