Reeed squirrel :)

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Nothing special, just testing out the Nikon 200-400mm f/4 :D
Very nice picture, spent sunday morning in the pine woodlands at Formby didn't see one red Squirrel:bang:
brilliant photograph. Love red squirrels very lucky if you have them close by.
great to see
nicely captured
Richard Peters said:
Good stuff Will, you enjoying the lens? Did you manage to point it at any Sea Eagles whilst on your recent trip?

Yes I did! I managed to get some lovely shots and was blessed with perfect weather - a rare thing on Skye! The eagle sat up on its perch and wasn't coming down, but after an hour and a half it flew thankfully.
That's a really nice, natural looking image Will. Well done :clap:!

Did you have to crop much, or use a high ISO, as it looks a little bit 'dotty' on my monitor :shrug:?
Thanks :)

Are you sure it's not your monitor? This is a low iso on a d700 with no crop. I can't see any noise :confused:

Then please ignore me, Will ;). I think that I was forgetting to take the 'fuzziness factor' into account - it's hard to make furry animals look really sharp sometimes :D!
Ah you must mean the fur on her head? I think that's the light catching the tips of it slightly. :)

Yes, I think that's what it is too.

Actually, I've photographed a few of these critters too, but all my pics were at high ISO (on a D90) and were cropped down quite a bit too, in most cases :thumbsdown:. I wondered if you'd had the same trouble, but obviously not ;).
Naboo32 said:
Yes, I think that's what it is too.

Actually, I've photographed a few of these critters too, but all my pics were at high ISO (on a D90) and were cropped down quite a bit too, in most cases :thumbsdown:. I wondered if you'd had the same trouble, but obviously not ;).

Haha well these squirrels are right next door so I can get my hide close ;)
If you had shot at F8, the whole wee creature would have been in focus, as it is, the back end is not within the DOF. The D700 will handle high ISO, so would have coped ok Will.

Other stuff held back for fear of reprisals.........:)
I am somewhat confused- the Red has a ripe hazel nut and yet these are not ripe for a few months yet :shrug::shrug:

good shot though - was it in a zoo

Les :help: