Reminder for 'FILM Users' !

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I develop B&W film for Forum members and a little C41 colour negative at a Pinch and so many times the sender gets terrible results. Very Faint Density, 'Greening Effect' on C41 XP2 400 types and it causes my worry in case it is MY chemicals so I have to do a 'test' on my chemicals to 'put my mind at rest ' !!
1. Please Cold Store your films in a Fridge until you want to use them -- packs of 10 can go in the FREEZER even
Please do not leave films in Cameras un-developed for years -- here is the effect known as 'Latent Image Regression' where the atoms of Silver Halides exposed to 'Photons of LIGHT' as a snap is taken 'Decay' and the Silver Grain can no longer be formed by the Developing Agents.
3. if your film is 'Outdated' you must give it MORE EXPOSURE as the Sensitivity declines over years.
4. Colour negative, slide or B&W 'Chromogenic' films suffer from exposure to 'Fumes' in a house over years-- can be from Sprays, Furniture Glue etc etc which will cause 'Greening', a High Fog Level and Loss of Image Density -- so 'Careful Storage ' please !