Remote release with timer

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Are there any (Canon 7D compatible) remote releases with timers that can handle mirror lock up?

I was outside in the cold last night experimenting with taking star images to be stacked together. Shutter speed was set to 10 seconds, and I was allowing a couple of seconds after raising the mirror before taking each picture in the series.

The remote releases with timers I been able to find don't seem to be capable of alternating 2 different times, e.g. 2 seconds then 10 seconds then 2 again, etc.

I've a feeling that I'll end up having to use just one time, so it'll be a lock up period of 10 seconds followed by an exposure of 10 seconds, repeated.

Given how cheap timer remote releases are on ebay it's got to be worth a try to see how I get on with that...
As above, with this one you can set length of exposure, delay before exposure, amount of exposures and interval between exposures.
I'm not aware of any timer remote releases that can alternate between different length exposures. If the one linked to above is the same as the Canon TC-80 N3 then I don't think it will do that. You'd have to change the exposure manually between exposures.

The way I do it with my 30D is to set the camera to timer mode. When mirror lockup is on and you press the shutter release, the camera will lock the mirror up, wait for two seconds, then open the shutter. If the 7D works in the same way then I would recommend this.
The 7D does work the same way, but it has the really annoying flashing light and beeping sound as it counts down. So perhaps it's a case of the timer remote release and a pair of earplugs! :p
Hmmm - live view mode. Merits investigation! (I'm still new to the 7D so still trying to figure out what it can do.)
Are there any (Canon 7D compatible) remote releases with timers that can handle mirror lock up?

I was outside in the cold last night experimenting with taking star images to be stacked together. Shutter speed was set to 10 seconds, and I was allowing a couple of seconds after raising the mirror before taking each picture in the series.

The remote releases with timers I been able to find don't seem to be capable of alternating 2 different times, e.g. 2 seconds then 10 seconds then 2 again, etc.

I've a feeling that I'll end up having to use just one time, so it'll be a lock up period of 10 seconds followed by an exposure of 10 seconds, repeated.

Given how cheap timer remote releases are on ebay it's got to be worth a try to see how I get on with that...

Not really sure I understand why you're doing this :thinking: ... Why do you need mirror lock up for (I assume) star trails? ... If it's any other Astro stuff then you will need a tracking mount and would be able to take longer exposures anyway.
I'm going to compromise and get a standard timer remote release and use the delay function on the camera combined with the mirror lock up to give the delay for letting any vibrations settle.

The downside is the annoying beep and flashing light for the self timer on the camera - taking 10 or 20 shots in a row that's going to get pretty annoying!
Not really sure I understand why you're doing this :thinking: ... Why do you need mirror lock up for (I assume) star trails? ... If it's any other Astro stuff then you will need a tracking mount and would be able to take longer exposures anyway.
I don't have (and cannot currently afford) a tracking mount.

What I'll be doing is taking multiple shots to avoid star trails and then stacking them together for a final image.
I'm going to compromise and get a standard timer remote release and use the delay function on the camera combined with the mirror lock up to give the delay for letting any vibrations settle.

The downside is the annoying beep and flashing light for the self timer on the camera - taking 10 or 20 shots in a row that's going to get pretty annoying!

Can't you turn the beep off? I think it'll be in the menu somewhere.

And regarding the flashing light, have you tried placing some electrical tape over the lamp?
Can't you turn the beep off? I think it'll be in the menu somewhere.
I'm hoping so! It's a thick manual and the index is rubbish though...

And regarding the flashing light, have you tried placing some electrical tape over the lamp?
New camera so I don't really want to be sticking things to it just yet. I'll put a glove over it for the moment I think.
I don't have (and cannot currently afford) a tracking mount.

What I'll be doing is taking multiple shots to avoid star trails and then stacking them together for a final image.

Ah! okay (y) In that case you may find that movement and rotation could be a problem .... still possible though..... :cool:
Sorry to drag this up again!

I ordered a release as linked above in post #2, and it arrived yesterday.

However, no matter what I try to do I can't seem to make it fire the shutter. I've set intervals, etc. and it's counted down and shown the 'release' light, and I've also tried just pressing the shutter button which the manual says can be done anytime - again the release light is shown. All with no luck.

I know it's not a problem with the camera itself as a normal remote release fires the shutter correctly.

Am I doing something stupid, or have I got a duff item that I'll need to return?
Have you set the camera to bulb mode?

Ok ignore that as I see even the shutter buttons not working, bizarre.

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