remote shutter release for 400d

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I have a remote for my 400d, but for some reason when I switch the camera to timer/remote, and connect my remote cable, the camera remains on the when I press the remote shutter button, the camera goes into timer mode..

Has anyone got any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Without looking for the hand book ( well I am Male :D) I am sure that when you plug in the remote it overrides the shutter button so you shouldn't have to make any "adjustments" "just plug and play" as the saying goes
I think you only need to set that mode if you're using an IR remote
cable remote = button press
I'm such an idiot!!! Yep...the remote setting is for infra red...with a cable I just plug it in and press!! :bang:

Thanks for the prompt responses!!
We all do stoopid things don't beat yourself up :D and the more "we" do, so the percentage of cockups increases
Welcome to the forum BTW :wave: