Answered Request to reconfirm email and now considered a new member

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Bit of an odd one, but when I accessed the site today, I had a notification to say my email address wasn’t working and I needed to change it. I couldn’t see any reason why it wasn’t working, but I duly did, and now the site seems to think I’m a newbie and unable to view or edit my classified posts. Given no other posts here, I’m assuming it’s just me, but no messages from admins to put me on the naughty step (and don’t think I’ve done anything untoward :s). Any advice greatly appreciated
Let me check your details and I'll get back to you
I think it's just a case a waiting a short while for the site to resync with you, :)
I did send a password reset, if all ok just ignore
Having met the gentleman bloke in person, I can confirm that he's larger than many life forms and I'm sure he would do the same for me!